Monday, May 29, 2017

Hebrews 11 :23-28 (DB of 28/5/2017)

Key Verse 11:25
Moses is a liberator of the people of Israel, after 430 years of slavery since Jacob and his sons went down to Egypt. He is called the humblest man on earth, but he is above all a man of faith. What was his faith?

1. The faith of Moses at his birth (23)
The author says as if it is the faith of Moses that he is hidden during the baby. But it is the faith of the parents. The faith of the parents succeeds in the faith of the children. His parents transgress the king's decree to hide their child. It is not selfishness, but the desire to save their oppressed people. This faith succeeds to Moses. Having become great, Moses resisted the easy life of the Prince of Egypt, that is, he identifies himself with Hebrew. Even in knowing that this will cause him great harm, he chooses this dangerous identity.

2. The faith of Moses in his youth (24-25)
The following verses indicate the choice of the value system in Moses when he is young. The words, "loving better" "esteemed" refer precisely to this system of value. Why does he choose this system despite the great disadvantage of life? It is because of the resurrection faith. Moses has in his heart an incomparable value compared with any splendid thing of the world, it is the world of beyond and the reward in heaven. Therefore, v. 26 says that he was looking further towards the reward. All things are, however splende they are, ephemeral and insignificant. Only the heavenly heritage remains for man. He sees the invisible through the visible. This strengthens Moses to gain victory beyond human limits.

Prayer: Lord, help me to choose true value in life. I confess that the suffering of Jesus alone remains. Help me to participate in the residual suffering of Jesus, like Moses.

One word: The life of Moses itself is an act of faith

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