from today June 27th to friday July 1st Have a good holyday
Monday, June 27, 2016
June 25th 2016
Numbers 27:12-23
When Moses became old, God chose
Joshua. In this passage, we can learn two things. First, it's God who
choses the true leader. Second, the leader is a faithful servant of
- God spoke about Moses' death
God spoke about the promised land in
which Moses wished to enter into, but he couldn't enter because he
had disappointed God once when he failed to honor the Eternal God
(20:12,13). But Moses wanted God to establish a shepherd for the
people, so that the congregation would not be as sheep that have no
shepherd. When God spoke about death, what was Moses' main concern ?
- God chose Joshua (18-23)
God designated Joshua as Moses'
successor. In what way was Joshua suitable to become a true leader ?
He was a man in whom was the Spirit, meaning he knew God and he had
spiritual power from God (18). One man cannot lead another by his own
strength. He can only lead him by God's strength. Are you all true
leaders ? Do you work with the help of human tricks or through
the strength of God ?
Prayer : Lord, you are He who
guides kings, the leaders of the earth. Just as you chose Moses and
Joshua, may you choose true leaders of this earth. I believe that the
true leader comes from God.
Bottom line : (13) you shall be
gathered to your people
June 24th
Nb 24 :10-25
In this text, we see the
prophet Balaam who had kept his heart pure to the very end. What was
the temptation in front of which he has kept his heart pure ?
What did he prophesy when he kept his heart ?
- The prophet Balaam who had kept his heart pure (10-13)
King Balaq's anger
burned seeing that the prophet Balaam kept his heart pure to the very
end, even thrice (10). He said he would give materials and honours to
Balaam but God stopped him from receiving (11). But what was
Balaam's answer ? He said clearly that even if king Balaq gave
him all things, he couldn't contradict the Eternal God's order (12,
13). Among the people of God, there are more people who have fallen
, not because of difficulties but because of vain glory.
- Balaam's prophecy to Israel (14-25)
When Balaam kept his
identity to the very end, the morning star rose in his heart (2P
1:19). He could prophesy that Israel's people will rule over all the
country, detroying all the ennemies. He prophesies also about
David's kingdom (17). When a prophet keeps his heart, his identity,
he has the assurance that he will become a prince or a princess of
the Kingdom of God, and that he will reign eternally. Do you have
this assurance ?
Prayer : Lord, help
me to keep my heart pure and to obey your word. Help me to believe
that a Christian who keeps his heart will became an authentic
christian who reigns with you.
Bottom line : a
christian who kept his heart pure
Thursday, June 23, 2016
June 23rd, 2016
Numbers 24:1-9
This text is a song, a poem and a
spiritual testimony of the prophet Balaam. It is very beautiful. This
text can strengthen prophets today who live in a world where there is
no longer any song or poem, a world which suffers from material
seduction and lust for power.
- He set his face toward the wilderness
The prophet Balaam looked toward the
wilderness. There, the people of Israel was encamped like a large
army ready to destroy Moab. But Balaam's song was not about military
strength ; rather, he understood that God had a great plan for
blessing his people. He understood that God delights in blessing
those who bless his people. What is the subject of your daily song ?
- The song which reflects the word of God (3,9)
How could Balaam have understood the
truth ? It didn't come from his human reasoning or logic. First,
he was able to know this truth because the Spirit of God was upon him
(2) ; second, when he heard the words of God (4) and third, when
he had a vision of the all-powerful Lord. Thanks to that, he was able
to know God's truth (Luke 10:21). In this way you can also know the
truth through God's spirit and his word. You will also be a poet who
sings of the victory of God's people.
Prayer : Lord, open my eyes so
that I can see your wondrous works. Help me to write poems which show
that you have blessed me and that I will finally be victorious.
Bottom line : the ability to write
a song, a poem
Nb 23 :13-30
In fact, Balaq hadn't really sustained
damage, but, obstinately he importunes Balaam. Balaq continually asks
Balaam to damn Israel, leading Balaam to a few places. However, after
he had listened to God's word, Balaam kept his heart's core pure. We
will study what was his heart's core.
- God isn't a man
The reason you can't listen to Balaq's
word was because the Eternal God isn't a man (19). God had promised
that he will bless Israel. God doesn't fail in keeping this promise,
whatever happens, whatever be the prejudice. God isn't a man. God
always keeps the promise which he has said to mankind.
- God doesn't sees the injustice of Jacob
Balaq, who wanted to damn Israel that
God decided to bless, was a stupid man (20). In the same way, the one
who wants to damn people that God decided to bless and or people who
work hard for God, is stupid. Instead he makes the curse fall on
himself. God said to Israel to not damn Moab, so we must bless Moab,
and Moab would be wise to not damn people of God. But often the
reality is different. The one who leaves, leaves damning. God decided
to bless (Ex 15:26), even by not inflicting sickness which God
inflicted on Egyptians, always healing Israel. God is the one who
blesses Israel and keeps his promise to the very end. The one who is
opposed to God is stupid.
Prayer : Thank you Lord, you are
always the one who blesses and protects the one who serves you with
your love and your power. Help us to discern your will and keep us
within your blessing.
Bottom line : God isn't a man
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
June 21st, 2016
Numbers 23:1-12
If we are God's servants, we shouldn't
be babblers, but rather strong people who believe in God whatever the
difficulty, and who solve problems (1 Corinthians 1:4, 5 ; 1
Timothy 1:7). From today's text, we should understand how Balaam was
clothed with God's strength.
- Balaam was faced with an embarassing situation
Now, Balaam had left his homeland and
stood before a dignitary of a foreign land. He had to seek answers in
front of them (39, 40 from the previous chapter), so this situation
was embarassing for him, a prophet.
- Balaam is clothed with God's strength
In this situation, Balaam asked for
burnt offerings and spoke special words. However, what he finally
said was contrary to what Balak had hoped for. Balaam was entirely
clothed with God's strength. First, he separated himself from the
others in order to meet the Eternal God (3) - "prayer". Then, he received "God's word" (5). Thirdly, he
decided to die a righteous man (10) - "decision". Fourthly,
Balaam preached what he had received (12) - "preaching".
Prayer : Lord, when we are
embarassed by difficulties we face, help us to have the wisdom to
meet with you and receive your word. I understand that only when I
receive your word will I be strengthened.
Bottom line : the word is the
source of strength
Devine comedy
Divine comedy
The story of Balaam in Nb 22-23 is very pleasant. This character will make laugh. Meanwhile, the donkey Balaam speaks and this one tells the blessing while the enemy in front of him with gifts in hand were waiting for the curse. Balak was angry when from the mouth of Balaam came constantly words of blessing. It seems there is no more cheerful story in the Bible, perhaps second after the story of Jonah. Balak led Balaam in three different locations, but it continues to bless Israel. The king was very embrassed.
Our God is the God who laughed and make laugh as he laughed Sara because of her unborn son. He laughed Jonas by growing castor root.
But in fact, to Balaam, it was not a funny story. It was a very critical story for him, because he was the prophet, but he was somehow sold by the desire for wealth and power. He allowed himself to have these things, and now he's stuck somehow in an impasse from which he can't withdraw.
But they say that even if the sky is falling, there is a hole to get out. Before the king and the chiefs of Moab, he began to recover. How? By God's help he was able to overcome his fear and challenge by faith. God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power and love and wisdom says 2 Timothy 1: 7. Balaam stood before God and he received the word and with his firm decision of the same kind of Esther, "If I perish, I perish" he advanced towards the king. Then, like Paul, he transmits what he had received from God, the living word of God. That works! Despite the king's anger, he was unscathed. But at the end of the day, apart from all those things that are key to the victory of Balaam, the basis of all this is clear. It's that Balaam, when he heard the voice of the donkey and the voice of the angel of the LORD, repented. A soul deeply repented cannot be overcome by the world. It offer a victory.

Divine comédie
L'histoire de Nb 22-23 sur Balaam est très plaisante. Ce personnage va me faire rire. Entretemps, l'ânesse parle et Balaam raconte la bénédiction alors que l'ennemi en face de lui avec les cadeaux à la main attendait la malédiction. Balaq se mit en colère alors que de la bouche de Balaam sortaient sans cesse les mots de malédiction. Il semble qu'il n'y a pas d'histoire plus rieuse dans la Bible, peut-être deuxième après l'histoire de Jonas. Balaq conduit Balaam dans les trois endroits différents, mais il continue de bénir Israël.
Notre Dieu est le Dieu qui rit et qui fait rire, comme il a fait rire Sara à cause de son fils à naître. Il a fait rire Jonas par la racine de ricin croissante.
Mais en fait, pour Balaam, ce n'était pas une histoire amusante. C'était une histoire très critique pour elle, car il était le prophète, mais il a été en quelque sorte vendu par le désir de richesse et de pouvoir. Il se laissa avoir par ces choses, et voilà maintenant il est coincé en quelque sorte dans une impassé d'où il ne peut se retirer.
Mais on dit que même si le ciel s'écroule, il y a un trou à s'en sortir. Devant les roi et les notables de Moab, il en vint à se ressaisir. Comment? Par l'aide de Dieu, il put surmonter sa peur et défier par la foi. Dieu ne nous a pas donné l'esprit de timidité, mais de force et d'amour et de sagesse dit 2Ti 1:7. Balaam se tint devant Dieu et il reçut la parole et avec sa ferme décision de la sorte d'Esther, "si je périt, je périrai" il s'avança vers le roi. Puis, comme Paul, il transmet ce qu'il avait reçu de Dieu, la parole vivante de Dieu. Voilà ça marche! Malgré la colère du roi, il sort indemne. Mais en fin de compte, à part de tous ces choses qui sont les clés de la victoire de Balaam, la base de tout cela s'avère clair. C'est que Balaam, quand il entendit la voix de son âne et la voix de l'ange de l'Eternel, s'était repenti. Une âme repenti profondément ne peut être surmonté par le monde. Elle est victorieuse.
The story of Balaam in Nb 22-23 is very pleasant. This character will make laugh. Meanwhile, the donkey Balaam speaks and this one tells the blessing while the enemy in front of him with gifts in hand were waiting for the curse. Balak was angry when from the mouth of Balaam came constantly words of blessing. It seems there is no more cheerful story in the Bible, perhaps second after the story of Jonah. Balak led Balaam in three different locations, but it continues to bless Israel. The king was very embrassed.
Our God is the God who laughed and make laugh as he laughed Sara because of her unborn son. He laughed Jonas by growing castor root.
But in fact, to Balaam, it was not a funny story. It was a very critical story for him, because he was the prophet, but he was somehow sold by the desire for wealth and power. He allowed himself to have these things, and now he's stuck somehow in an impasse from which he can't withdraw.
But they say that even if the sky is falling, there is a hole to get out. Before the king and the chiefs of Moab, he began to recover. How? By God's help he was able to overcome his fear and challenge by faith. God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power and love and wisdom says 2 Timothy 1: 7. Balaam stood before God and he received the word and with his firm decision of the same kind of Esther, "If I perish, I perish" he advanced towards the king. Then, like Paul, he transmits what he had received from God, the living word of God. That works! Despite the king's anger, he was unscathed. But at the end of the day, apart from all those things that are key to the victory of Balaam, the basis of all this is clear. It's that Balaam, when he heard the voice of the donkey and the voice of the angel of the LORD, repented. A soul deeply repented cannot be overcome by the world. It offer a victory.
Divine comédie
L'histoire de Nb 22-23 sur Balaam est très plaisante. Ce personnage va me faire rire. Entretemps, l'ânesse parle et Balaam raconte la bénédiction alors que l'ennemi en face de lui avec les cadeaux à la main attendait la malédiction. Balaq se mit en colère alors que de la bouche de Balaam sortaient sans cesse les mots de malédiction. Il semble qu'il n'y a pas d'histoire plus rieuse dans la Bible, peut-être deuxième après l'histoire de Jonas. Balaq conduit Balaam dans les trois endroits différents, mais il continue de bénir Israël.
Notre Dieu est le Dieu qui rit et qui fait rire, comme il a fait rire Sara à cause de son fils à naître. Il a fait rire Jonas par la racine de ricin croissante.
Mais en fait, pour Balaam, ce n'était pas une histoire amusante. C'était une histoire très critique pour elle, car il était le prophète, mais il a été en quelque sorte vendu par le désir de richesse et de pouvoir. Il se laissa avoir par ces choses, et voilà maintenant il est coincé en quelque sorte dans une impassé d'où il ne peut se retirer.
Mais on dit que même si le ciel s'écroule, il y a un trou à s'en sortir. Devant les roi et les notables de Moab, il en vint à se ressaisir. Comment? Par l'aide de Dieu, il put surmonter sa peur et défier par la foi. Dieu ne nous a pas donné l'esprit de timidité, mais de force et d'amour et de sagesse dit 2Ti 1:7. Balaam se tint devant Dieu et il reçut la parole et avec sa ferme décision de la sorte d'Esther, "si je périt, je périrai" il s'avança vers le roi. Puis, comme Paul, il transmet ce qu'il avait reçu de Dieu, la parole vivante de Dieu. Voilà ça marche! Malgré la colère du roi, il sort indemne. Mais en fin de compte, à part de tous ces choses qui sont les clés de la victoire de Balaam, la base de tout cela s'avère clair. C'est que Balaam, quand il entendit la voix de son âne et la voix de l'ange de l'Eternel, s'était repenti. Une âme repenti profondément ne peut être surmonté par le monde. Elle est victorieuse.
Monday, June 20, 2016
Meditation of Day
Meditation of day
Eph 1:18
Paul prays for Christians in Ephesus that they have revelation and wisdom. Balaam in No. 22 was blind to the power and possession of Balak. I must pray for God to open our eyes, I and my flock, the spiritual eyes to see his holiness and truth. As a prophet, it would be the first duty. But how, despite our prophet position - Paul spoke of the gift of prophecy in 1 Corinthians 14 that we must all seek to have it to build the church - we ignore this prayer. Working as a businessman, I have often risked to let trouble my eyes to the power and material possessions. We are in the summer which is the season of complacency. All French are seeking to enjoy the pleasure of the world. It seems that it is normal to feel far from the winter which is the season of sobriety and severity. There is Christmas when Jesus was born in the world. He gave up his glory in heaven and came to this world to be with sinful men. He was not born in a hospital, not even in a asile, but in the stable of animals of Bethlehem. Mother Theresa, to know what it's like to be barefoot on the earth, went barefoot on the gravel of the garden. To better understand what hurts, what burns. So that all his freedom be the availability to service to God, that is for the Human. When she left, everyone was exasperated at what she confessed that she was not sure of his salvation. The publication of his biography is paradoxically called "the kingdom of the night." Oh, how difficult it is to be enlightened by God to see the spiritual world. When the Holy Spirit touches us, then our eyes open and we can see the kingdom of God.

Eph 1:18
Paul prie pour les chrétiens à Ephèse qu'ils aient la révélation et la sagesse. Balaam dans Nb 22 était aveugle devant le pouvoir et la possession de Balaq. Je dois prier pour que Dieu ouvre les yeux, moi et mes oaiilles, les yeux spirituels pour voir sa sainteté et la vérité. En tant que prophète, ce serait le premier devoir. Mais comment malgré la position de prophète - Paul a parlé du don de prophétie dans 1Co 14 que nous tous devons chercher pour édifier l'église - on ignore cette prière. En travaillant comme homme d'affaire, j'ai risqué souvent de troubler mes yeux devant le pouvoir et la possession matérielle. Nous sommes en été qui est la saison de complaisance. Tous les français cherchent à partir jouir le plaisir du monde. Il semble qu'il est normal de sentir loin de l'hiver qui est la saison de dépouillement et sévérité. Là se trouve Noël où Jésus naquit dans le monde. Il a abandonné sa gloire dans le ciel et vint dans ce monde parmi les hommes pécheurs. Il ne naquit pas dans un hôpital, même pas dans une hospice, mais dans l'étable des animaux de Bethlehem. Mère Thérèse, pour savoir ce que c'est que d'être pieds nus sur la Terre, allait pieds nus sur les graviers du jardin. Pour mieux comprendre ce qui blesse, ce qui brûle. Pour que toute sa liberté soit disponibilité au service de Dieu, c'est-à-dire l'Humain. Lors de son départ, tout le monde fut exaspéré de ce qu'elle confessa qu'elle n'était pas assurée de son salut. L'ouvrage de sa biographie s'appelle paradoxalement "Le royaume de sa nuit." Oh, combien il est difficile d'être illuminé par Dieu pour voir le monde spirituel. Quand le Saint-Esprit nous touche, alors nos yeux s'ouvrent et nous pouvons voir le royaume de Dieu.
Eph 1:18
Paul prays for Christians in Ephesus that they have revelation and wisdom. Balaam in No. 22 was blind to the power and possession of Balak. I must pray for God to open our eyes, I and my flock, the spiritual eyes to see his holiness and truth. As a prophet, it would be the first duty. But how, despite our prophet position - Paul spoke of the gift of prophecy in 1 Corinthians 14 that we must all seek to have it to build the church - we ignore this prayer. Working as a businessman, I have often risked to let trouble my eyes to the power and material possessions. We are in the summer which is the season of complacency. All French are seeking to enjoy the pleasure of the world. It seems that it is normal to feel far from the winter which is the season of sobriety and severity. There is Christmas when Jesus was born in the world. He gave up his glory in heaven and came to this world to be with sinful men. He was not born in a hospital, not even in a asile, but in the stable of animals of Bethlehem. Mother Theresa, to know what it's like to be barefoot on the earth, went barefoot on the gravel of the garden. To better understand what hurts, what burns. So that all his freedom be the availability to service to God, that is for the Human. When she left, everyone was exasperated at what she confessed that she was not sure of his salvation. The publication of his biography is paradoxically called "the kingdom of the night." Oh, how difficult it is to be enlightened by God to see the spiritual world. When the Holy Spirit touches us, then our eyes open and we can see the kingdom of God.
Eph 1:18
Paul prie pour les chrétiens à Ephèse qu'ils aient la révélation et la sagesse. Balaam dans Nb 22 était aveugle devant le pouvoir et la possession de Balaq. Je dois prier pour que Dieu ouvre les yeux, moi et mes oaiilles, les yeux spirituels pour voir sa sainteté et la vérité. En tant que prophète, ce serait le premier devoir. Mais comment malgré la position de prophète - Paul a parlé du don de prophétie dans 1Co 14 que nous tous devons chercher pour édifier l'église - on ignore cette prière. En travaillant comme homme d'affaire, j'ai risqué souvent de troubler mes yeux devant le pouvoir et la possession matérielle. Nous sommes en été qui est la saison de complaisance. Tous les français cherchent à partir jouir le plaisir du monde. Il semble qu'il est normal de sentir loin de l'hiver qui est la saison de dépouillement et sévérité. Là se trouve Noël où Jésus naquit dans le monde. Il a abandonné sa gloire dans le ciel et vint dans ce monde parmi les hommes pécheurs. Il ne naquit pas dans un hôpital, même pas dans une hospice, mais dans l'étable des animaux de Bethlehem. Mère Thérèse, pour savoir ce que c'est que d'être pieds nus sur la Terre, allait pieds nus sur les graviers du jardin. Pour mieux comprendre ce qui blesse, ce qui brûle. Pour que toute sa liberté soit disponibilité au service de Dieu, c'est-à-dire l'Humain. Lors de son départ, tout le monde fut exaspéré de ce qu'elle confessa qu'elle n'était pas assurée de son salut. L'ouvrage de sa biographie s'appelle paradoxalement "Le royaume de sa nuit." Oh, combien il est difficile d'être illuminé par Dieu pour voir le monde spirituel. Quand le Saint-Esprit nous touche, alors nos yeux s'ouvrent et nous pouvons voir le royaume de Dieu.
Nb 22 :31-41
Balaam became a blind man even as he had opened eyes. Lets us think
about Balaam’s pride and his poverty of being fooled by the
astuteness of Balaq. The Eternal God helped Balaam in two things :
- God opened the eyes of Balaam
While Balaam’s donkey
didn’t ever disobey, Balaam himself disobeyed God (32). Because
Balaam was attracted by Balaq’s stratagem, God should have hit him,
however God protected him and opened his eyes. When you open
spiritual eyes, you can see the Eternal God (Eph 1 :18)
- The Eternal God made Balaam recognize his sin
Balaam, after opening his
spiritual eyes through the angel of the Eternal God, saw his sin
against the Eternal God. But the Eternal God sent his angel close to
Balaam to proclaim God’s word. The problem of Balaam is that, even
if he is a prophet, he let himself be weakened by power and material
things which possessed Balaq. The ennemy of this prophet is power and
material things.
Prayer : Lord,
thank you for showing Balaam his sin, have mercy on us, despite our
position of prophet, we are so weakened in front of power and
material things.
Bottom line : the ennemy of the
prophet is power and material things
Sunday, June 19, 2016
June 18th
Nb 22:15-30
A brother was threatened by his
parents : we will cut off his means of living, etc... Balaq sent
again leaders with a considerable present. Actually, behind this was
a menace towards Balaam. At the sight of material offering, he let
his heart weaken. What was the result ? (17-19)
- Balaam hits the donkey
When God had seen his heart weaken, he
first permited Balaam to leave. All the same, Balaam knew very well
what was God's answer, but he asks again what God wants him to do. So
God lets Balaam leave (20). But, on the way, Balaam saw his donkey
fall down. It was because the Eternal God was angry with him. So
Balaam hit the donkey.
- God opened the donkey's mouth
When the anger of the Eternal God
flared because he left, the donkey fell down under him, due to the
angel of the Eternal God who was standing on the way. So Balaam hit
it, and the Eternal God opened the donkey's mouth, which blamed
Balaam (27, 30). Why did God open the donkey's mouth to blame
Balaam ? It was the result of Balaam's weakening facing the
important present given by the king Balaq. It seems that prophets who
let their hearts weaken beause of this kind of material offer are
less than a donkey.
Prayer : Lord, be with prophets of
this country, help them to not weaken because of material problems,
rather that they can hold firm to their reponsability of giving God's
word to people
Bottom line : a prophet who is
better than a donkey
June 17th, 2016
Numbers 22:1-14
In the course of human history, victory
and defeat follow continually. Yet, where we discern divine will,
there is only victory. Through Balaam's story, we will learn how to
interpret God's divine will.
- Balak sent a gift
The Israelites camped at the border of
Moab. The king of Moab was terrified of such a horde of people. Balak
sent a gift to Balaam so that he would curse the Israelites. The
Bible says the Israelites weren't bothering Moab (Deut. 2 : 6).
- Balaam refused the gift
It seems that Balaam was someone who
knew God well. So how did he react to the messengers sent by Balak ?
First, he was very polite (7), so he welcomed them with great
protocol and politeness. Second, Balaam was very cautious. He was
prudent and separated himself from them in order to reflect. At that
moment, Balaam came before God and prayed (8-11). Finally, Balaam had
the courage to refuse the gift (13). After a certain length of time,
he had decided to refuse this very appealing gift. Without
sufficient prayer, we would not be able to refuse such a gift.
Prayer : Lord, sometimes, in spite
of our desire to please you and follow your will, we don't know what
to do, we know nothing. Help us to be cautious and wise in order to
come to you and pray until we understand your will.
Bottom line : pray to discern His
Saturday, June 18, 2016
Meditation of Day
Wesley Dewel said about tears: He said that Jesus understands what crying, praying. The shortest verse in the Bible, "Jesus wept" implies that he himself cried a lot. But Dewel said it must be clear that our tears are not tears shed because of self-pity. Such tears can be basically mundane. The tears from self-pity can give the momentary release frm tension. Because "a moment noisy of a cry" may alleviate the desperate and raise the morale of dispirited. But if a wound is sinking after the tears, it would be a weapon of evil. When the donkey said to Balaam, "Why do you strike me? "Balam said," because you upset me. "Balam did not know God's angel prevented her animal in anger and led him into his benevolent will, but he thought only of himself and was angry. It is the nature of the self-centered man. Tears can be self-centered and carnal. Dewel talked about several spiritual reasons for the tears I like to quote on this occasion. He says first that we must cry because the man has abandoned God. Then we have to cry because sin is spread in the exponential speed. Third, we must cry because as people of God we are spiritually asleep. We must also cry because the Lord's Day is approaching and we have before us many unfulfilled tasks.

Wesley Dewel dit au sujet des larmes : Selon lui, Jésus comprend ce qu’est pleurer en priant. Le verset le plus court de la Bible, « Jésus pleura. » en dit long que lui-même pleurait beaucoup. Mais Dewel dit qu’il faut être clair que nos larmes ne soient pas les larmes versées à cause de l’apitoiement de soi. De telles larmes peuvent être fondamentalement mondaines. Les larmes d’apitoiement de soi peuvent donner la libération momentanée des tensions. Parce qu’ « un tapage de pleure » peut soulager le désespéré et hausser le moral du découragé. Mais si une plaie s’enfonce après les larmes, ce serait une arme du malin. Quand l’ânesse dit à Balam « pourquoi me frappes-tu ? » Balam dit, « parce que tu me contrarie. » Balam ne savait pas l’ange de Dieu empêchait son animal dans la colère et le conduisit dans sa volonté bienveillante, mais il ne pensait qu’à soi-même et se fâcha. C’est le caractère de l’homme autocentré. Les larmes peuvent être autocentrées et charnelles. Dewel parle de plusieurs raisons spirituelles qui justifient les larmes que j’aime citer à cette occasion. Il dit d’abord, qu’il faut pleurer parce que l’homme a abandonné Dieu. Ensuite il faut pleurer parce que le péché se propage de la vitesse exponentielle. En troisième lieu, nous devons pleurer parce qu’en tant que peuple de Dieu nous sommes spirituellement endormis. Nous devons pleurer aussi parce que le jour du Seigneur s’approche et que nous avons devant nous beaucoup de tâches non accomplies.
Wesley Dewel dit au sujet des larmes : Selon lui, Jésus comprend ce qu’est pleurer en priant. Le verset le plus court de la Bible, « Jésus pleura. » en dit long que lui-même pleurait beaucoup. Mais Dewel dit qu’il faut être clair que nos larmes ne soient pas les larmes versées à cause de l’apitoiement de soi. De telles larmes peuvent être fondamentalement mondaines. Les larmes d’apitoiement de soi peuvent donner la libération momentanée des tensions. Parce qu’ « un tapage de pleure » peut soulager le désespéré et hausser le moral du découragé. Mais si une plaie s’enfonce après les larmes, ce serait une arme du malin. Quand l’ânesse dit à Balam « pourquoi me frappes-tu ? » Balam dit, « parce que tu me contrarie. » Balam ne savait pas l’ange de Dieu empêchait son animal dans la colère et le conduisit dans sa volonté bienveillante, mais il ne pensait qu’à soi-même et se fâcha. C’est le caractère de l’homme autocentré. Les larmes peuvent être autocentrées et charnelles. Dewel parle de plusieurs raisons spirituelles qui justifient les larmes que j’aime citer à cette occasion. Il dit d’abord, qu’il faut pleurer parce que l’homme a abandonné Dieu. Ensuite il faut pleurer parce que le péché se propage de la vitesse exponentielle. En troisième lieu, nous devons pleurer parce qu’en tant que peuple de Dieu nous sommes spirituellement endormis. Nous devons pleurer aussi parce que le jour du Seigneur s’approche et que nous avons devant nous beaucoup de tâches non accomplies.
Friday, June 17, 2016
Meditation of Day
Number 22 to Lc 1 (Parallele between Balam and Mary)
The visit of the delegation from Balak to Balam reminds us of the visit of the angel to Mary. Of course visitors or masters sending delegates are different. It is the same for the result. But the reaction of the recipients is the same. Balam was cautious before deciding his action. He thought deeply and finally decided to refuse gifts and King's proposal. Circumspect Mary reflected on what might have been in such a greeting. Mary finally decided to obey to the will of God to become the mother of Jesus even though this entails great suffering in human terms (she was betrothed to Joseph). Balam also would be tempted to listen to the request of Balak and his refusal decision would have caused him serious trouble from the political perspective. Mary was a godly woman. In front of the message, she was not rushed to decide. But she retired to seek God's will. Those who do not pray never experience God nor victory. Especially they are unable to be inspired by a spirit of God. Many Christians live according to their feeling to finally resign themselves to the selfish and helpless life. It is a life, whatever outwardly quiet, of failure. So we can say that circonspection is a prerequisite for a triumphant Christian. 1 Corinthians 13: 5 says that love is patient. The impatience of Moses to the rebels took away the privilege to go in the promised land. In human history, success and defeat succeed repeatedly. But success is to the one who seeks God with humble and circumspect attitude.

La visite de la délégation de Balaq chez Balam nous rappelle la visite de l’ange chez Marie. Bien sûr que les visiteurs ou les maîtres d’envoi sont différents. Il en est de même pour le résultat. Mais la réaction des receveurs est même. Balam était circonspect avant de décider son action. Il réfléchit profondément et finalement a décidé de refuser les cadeaux et la proposition du roi. Marie circonspect a réfléchi sur ce qu’aurait signifié de telle salutation. Finalement Marie a décidé d’obéir à la volonté de Dieu de devenir mère de Jésus quoi que cela implique une grande souffrance dans le plan humain (elle était fiancée à Joseph). Balam aussi il aurait été tenté d’écouter la demande de Balaq et sa décision de refus aurait lui provoqué un ennui grave du point de vue politique. Marie était une femme pieuse. En face du message, elle n’était pas précipitée de décider. Mais elle se recueillit afin de chercher la volonté de Dieu. Ceux qui ne prient pas n’expérimentent jamais la volonté de Dieu ni la victoire. Surtout ils sont incapables d’être inspiré par un courage de Dieu. Beaucoup de chrétien vivent selon leur sentiment pour finalement se résigner dans la vie égoïste et impuissante. C’est une vie, quoi que tranquille extérieurement, en échec. Ainsi, peut-on dire que la circonspection est une condition préalable pour un chrétien triomphant. 1 Corinthien 13 :5 dit que l’amour est patient. L’impatience de Moïse envers les rebelles lui enleva le privilège d’entre dans la terre promise. Au cours de l’histoire humaine, se succèdent le succès et la défaite. Mais le succès est à celui qui cherche la volonté de Dieu avec une attitude humble et circonspect.
The visit of the delegation from Balak to Balam reminds us of the visit of the angel to Mary. Of course visitors or masters sending delegates are different. It is the same for the result. But the reaction of the recipients is the same. Balam was cautious before deciding his action. He thought deeply and finally decided to refuse gifts and King's proposal. Circumspect Mary reflected on what might have been in such a greeting. Mary finally decided to obey to the will of God to become the mother of Jesus even though this entails great suffering in human terms (she was betrothed to Joseph). Balam also would be tempted to listen to the request of Balak and his refusal decision would have caused him serious trouble from the political perspective. Mary was a godly woman. In front of the message, she was not rushed to decide. But she retired to seek God's will. Those who do not pray never experience God nor victory. Especially they are unable to be inspired by a spirit of God. Many Christians live according to their feeling to finally resign themselves to the selfish and helpless life. It is a life, whatever outwardly quiet, of failure. So we can say that circonspection is a prerequisite for a triumphant Christian. 1 Corinthians 13: 5 says that love is patient. The impatience of Moses to the rebels took away the privilege to go in the promised land. In human history, success and defeat succeed repeatedly. But success is to the one who seeks God with humble and circumspect attitude.
La visite de la délégation de Balaq chez Balam nous rappelle la visite de l’ange chez Marie. Bien sûr que les visiteurs ou les maîtres d’envoi sont différents. Il en est de même pour le résultat. Mais la réaction des receveurs est même. Balam était circonspect avant de décider son action. Il réfléchit profondément et finalement a décidé de refuser les cadeaux et la proposition du roi. Marie circonspect a réfléchi sur ce qu’aurait signifié de telle salutation. Finalement Marie a décidé d’obéir à la volonté de Dieu de devenir mère de Jésus quoi que cela implique une grande souffrance dans le plan humain (elle était fiancée à Joseph). Balam aussi il aurait été tenté d’écouter la demande de Balaq et sa décision de refus aurait lui provoqué un ennui grave du point de vue politique. Marie était une femme pieuse. En face du message, elle n’était pas précipitée de décider. Mais elle se recueillit afin de chercher la volonté de Dieu. Ceux qui ne prient pas n’expérimentent jamais la volonté de Dieu ni la victoire. Surtout ils sont incapables d’être inspiré par un courage de Dieu. Beaucoup de chrétien vivent selon leur sentiment pour finalement se résigner dans la vie égoïste et impuissante. C’est une vie, quoi que tranquille extérieurement, en échec. Ainsi, peut-on dire que la circonspection est une condition préalable pour un chrétien triomphant. 1 Corinthien 13 :5 dit que l’amour est patient. L’impatience de Moïse envers les rebelles lui enleva le privilège d’entre dans la terre promise. Au cours de l’histoire humaine, se succèdent le succès et la défaite. Mais le succès est à celui qui cherche la volonté de Dieu avec une attitude humble et circonspect.
Wednesday, June 15, 2016
Nb 20:14-29
Sometimes, we put our hopes in our
friends or in loved ones concerning our personal affaires, but when
this hope is broken, we are disappointed and bitter. In such a case,
let us think how Moses acted.
- Edom refused to help Israel (1-14, 21)
Passing by Kadesh, Moses demanded help
from Edom, his brother, descendant of Esau, Jacob's brother. He
demands his help in order to pass by his territory. But Edom refused
and he sent many armed people to stop Moses. We don't understand this
reaction, maybe he was jealous of the Israelite's blessing and
health. In Korea, there is a maxim : « if a cousin buys a
field, you have a stomachache ». It's the nature of mankind. If
you see loved ones who are younger or healthy, you feel jealous. But,
in spite of his heavy heart, Moise looked for another way, walking
around the country. He doesn't hold it against him, but he relied on
the Eternal God, who surely will give him the way, and he kept going.
- Moses unrobed Aaron and dressed his son Eleazar
They went from Kadesh to arrive at the
montain of Hor, then God ordained Moses to remove Aaron's sumptuous
priestly clothing and to dress his son. Aaron, who had disobeyed God
in Meriba wasn't able to enter the promised country ; he must
disappear like the morning dew. The Eternal God's word remains
eternally, and the glory of this world evaporates like a flower of
the field, as shown in Aaron's story.
Prayer : Thank you Lord, give us
your grace, so we don't hope excessively in mankind, you are our only
support, it's you who gives and takes the priestly robes.
Bottom line : for fear of hoping
too much
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
Meditation of day
Meditation of Day
Dr. Samuel Lee said, "patience is the mother of love. "(1 Cor 13: 5) When Moses lost his patience, he lost his blessing (Ps 106: 33). He was forbidden to enter the promised land that he aspirated so intensively.
If you are a leader, it is imperative to acquire this noble character. As the maxim of French origin, "the noblesse oblige." The perfect example of this nature is found in Jesus Christ. He endured sinners who were constantly rebelling against him unto be crucified (Heb 12: 3).
Moses was once a shepherd who even prayed to God to forgive the Israelites by felling on him the judgment for them. But now, because he struck the rock twice, it is forbidden to put feet in Canaan. What fate of sort, and what cruel punishment! But in this way God has shown the importance of responsibility. We like the leading position, but we avoid the responsibility for the consequence of the breach of it is so heavy. Thus, the false personality is formed in one person. The spirit of abandonment is common nowadays, especially in the broken family.
Moreover, this fact of Moses shows us that the fact that a person assumes the role well does not guarantee consecutive victory. The good shepherd Moses was deprived because of the souring of mind once. St. Augustine said that the first Christian virtue is humility and the second humility and third humility also. Here we find that patience is the first virtue of a Christian and the second as the patience and the third also patience. As patience continues, we feel a good caracter be graved. Paul exhorts to aspirate the best gift, surely it is love. Among the attributes of love, patience is first. So patience is the pearl of human nature. C. S. Lewis said that obedience is the path to freedom, fidelity to the (spiritual) pleasure and the unity to the personality. Patience is possible when nature is united and consistent. It bears a noble personality. How, in front of the event who does not turn as we expected, it is easy for us to give to nervousness.
Méditation du jour
Dr. Samuel Lee said, "patience is the mother of love. "(1 Cor 13: 5) When Moses lost his patience, he lost his blessing (Ps 106: 33). He was forbidden to enter the promised land that he aspirated so intensively.
If you are a leader, it is imperative to acquire this noble character. As the maxim of French origin, "the noblesse oblige." The perfect example of this nature is found in Jesus Christ. He endured sinners who were constantly rebelling against him unto be crucified (Heb 12: 3).
Moses was once a shepherd who even prayed to God to forgive the Israelites by felling on him the judgment for them. But now, because he struck the rock twice, it is forbidden to put feet in Canaan. What fate of sort, and what cruel punishment! But in this way God has shown the importance of responsibility. We like the leading position, but we avoid the responsibility for the consequence of the breach of it is so heavy. Thus, the false personality is formed in one person. The spirit of abandonment is common nowadays, especially in the broken family.
Moreover, this fact of Moses shows us that the fact that a person assumes the role well does not guarantee consecutive victory. The good shepherd Moses was deprived because of the souring of mind once. St. Augustine said that the first Christian virtue is humility and the second humility and third humility also. Here we find that patience is the first virtue of a Christian and the second as the patience and the third also patience. As patience continues, we feel a good caracter be graved. Paul exhorts to aspirate the best gift, surely it is love. Among the attributes of love, patience is first. So patience is the pearl of human nature. C. S. Lewis said that obedience is the path to freedom, fidelity to the (spiritual) pleasure and the unity to the personality. Patience is possible when nature is united and consistent. It bears a noble personality. How, in front of the event who does not turn as we expected, it is easy for us to give to nervousness.
Méditation du jour
Dr Samuel Lee dit, « la patience est la mère de l’amour. »
(1Co 13 :5) Quand Moïse perdit la patience, il perdit la bénédiction (Ps
106 :33). Il lui était interdit d’entrer dans la terre promise si tant
Si on est leader, il faut absolument acquérir ce caractère
noble. Comme cette maxime d’origine française, « la noblesse oblige ».
Le parfait exemple de ce caractère se trouve en Jésus-Christ. Il endurait les
pécheurs qui ne cessaient de se rebeller contre lui jusqu’à être crucifié (Hé
12 :3).
Moïse a été une fois un berger qui a même prié Dieu qu’il
pardonne aux Israélites en faisant tomber sur lui le jugement destiné à eux.
Mais maintenant, du fait qu’il a frappé deux fois le rocher, il lui est
interdit de mettre les pieds au pays de Canaan. Quel jeu de sort triste, et
quelle cruelle punition ! Mais ainsi Dieu a montré l’importance de la
responsabilité. On aime la position de leader, mais on évite la responsabilité
car la conséquence du manquement de celle-ci est si lourde. Ainsi, la fausse
personnalité se forme en une personne. L’esprit
d’abandon est monnaie courant de nos jours, surtout dans la famille brisée.
De plus, ce fait de Moïse nous fait voir que le fait qu’une
personne assume bien le rôle ne garantit pas le succès consécutif. Moïse le bon
berger fut déchu à cause de l’aigrissement de l’esprit d’une fois. Saint
Augustin dit que la première vertu du chrétien est l’humilité et la seconde l’humilité
et la troisième aussi l’humilité. Ici, nous trouvons que la patience est la
première vertu d’un chrétien et la second aussi la patience et la troisième
également la patience. La patience se poursuivant, on sent se graver un bon et
noble caractère. Paul exhorte à expirer le meilleur don, sûrement c’est l’amour.
Parmi les attributs de l’amour, la patience est la première. Donc, la patience
est la perle du caractère de l’homme. C.S. Lewis dit que l’obéissance est le
chemin vers la liberté, la fidélité vers la plaisir (spirituel) et l’unité vers
la personnalité. La patience est possible quand le caractère est uni et
constant. Elle enfante une personnalité noble. Combien, en face de l’événement
qui ne se tourne pas comme on a prévu, on est facile à se donner à l’énervement.
Numbers 20:1-13
Where people are gathered, there are
those who follow and those who lead. It's the same for the commmunity
of God. Today's word teaches us about the errors that the followers
and the leader are likely to commit.
- The error that the people had committed.
They were at Kadesh, and water was
lacking. People started to murmur again and assembled themselves
together against Moses. When we are guided by a leader, the most
common error committed is that of complaining about the leader. God's
people should not commit this error simply because things don't turn
out the way they want. Instead, we should have the habit of
considering God's will for us (Romans 8:28).
- The error that Moses, the leader, committed.
The Eternal God told Moses to take his
staff and hit the rock (8). So, Moses hit the rock twice. Due to the
people's rebellion, Moses became bitter and irritable. The result of
the anger and bitterness of spirit in Moses was very serious (12 ;
Psalm 106:33). It was due to impatience. Yet, patience is the mother
of love (1 Corinth. 13:5).
Prayer : Lord, whether we are
leaders or followers, help us to seek your will, to give thanks to
you. Help us to fix our eyes on Jesus who bore with sinners.
Bottom line : our leader Jesus who
bore with sinners (Hebrews 12:3)
Monday, June 13, 2016
Nb 17:1-15
Today's text relates an event which
doesn't stop being repeated during the Old Testament. Only Jesus
Christ the Lord was able to stop this event. Lets us think about
three things.
1) mankind's
sin (6).
To rescue humans from sin, the Eternal
God punished Qoré's band. But the next day, after 24 hours, the
rebel murmuring again exploded from the Israelites' mouth. But it's
the reality of sinful humans. Humans like sin. (Jn 3:19, Gn 9:2)
2) God's judgment (11)
In the Old Testament, God's judgment
is expressed in corporal's death, but the real judgment toward
humans is'nt the body's disappearance, it's separation between God
and human (Hb 9:27)
3) The work of Jesus Christ (13) A
At the moment when Aaron stood up
between the killed and the living, the plague could be stopped. But
what Aaron did wasn't sufficient for mankind's salvation, only Jesus
Christ's blood on the cross can really stop the plague caused by sin
(Eph 5:1, 1 Tim 2:5). How do you resolve the problem of sin which
persists in your heart ?
Prayer : Thank you Lord, you sent
us the mediator between you and us to resolve sin's problem which
Bottom line : our mediator
Friday, June 10, 2016
Nb 16:1-15
Apparently, the leader is splendid, but
whoever is a leader recognizes that it's a heavy and difficult task.
Lets us learn what must be the leader's attitude in front of a no-win
- The problem which Moise was faced with
The imminent no-win situation was
revolt. If we see the main accusation of this people was that Moses
is arrogant (3) and that he imposes himself on them (13)
- The leader's attitude in front of a no-win situation
In this urgent situation, what did
Moses do to drive back cruel and overwhelming accusations ?
First, Moses faced it with gentleness. Moses had enough gentleness to
examine the situation objectively : how their accusations could
be justified (4). Secondly, with an enlightened mind (6, 11), a fair
reasoning, he showed how this people had an extreme conduct, and the
position that they held was a great privilege before God. Thirdly,
with prayer. When Moses heard the word, he was very irritated, but he
came before God to pray. (15, 1P 2 :23)
Prayer : Lord, in front of all
these embarrassing no-win situations, help us to have gentleness, a
fair reasoning and prayer to get through.
Bottom line : leader full of
Thursday, June 9, 2016
Numbers 14:36-45
If the sun goes down, night falls, and
if the sun rises, day breaks. If spring ends, summer comes. Where
there’s a will, there’s a time and a period. Through this word,
we learn how it would have been better if the Israelites had been
able to discern the times.
- The end of those who murmur during the time of attack
After listening to the spies’ report,
instead of taking heart, the Israelites became afraid. They abandoned
the idea of conquering the land, they sat down, and they murmured.
The end of these faithless people was only disaster and death
- The end of those who attack during the time of waiting
If we follow the example of our big
brother Moses, we see the people should have waited rather than
attacking. But they depended on their own courage and went out to
attack. It wasn’t the right moment, since, as Moses said, the
Eternal God was not with them. As a result, they were soundly
defeated and ruined. The Israelites should have discerned the will
and the time when they should have acted. What period of time are you
in now ?
Prayer : Lord, thank you for
giving us the right discernment to distinguish the four seasons. Help
us to discern your will and the time when we must execute your will.
Bottom line : in the time of
Wednesday, June 8, 2016
Nb 14:20-35
The Eternal God released the Israelites
from Egyptians, to those who had no hope, God gave them hope of
Canaan's country, following with milk and honey. For the Israelites
who wandered in the desert, the promised Canaan country was really
hope. Today's text lets us see who can enter in the new country and
the new Heaven.
- God says : Caleb will come into the promised country (20-25)
The Eternal God swore, by his glory
which fills all the earth (21), that all people who saw Eternal God's
glory and offended him, would not come into the promised country. But
the Eternal god swore that Caleb would come into the promised
country. Why was Caleb able to enter ? On one hand, his spirit
was different. On the other hand, he followed wholly God's voice
(24). How is our spirit different compared with the one of the
world's people ?
- God says : they will not come into the promised country (26-35)
Hopefully, they would enter, but Israel
was not able to bear the slightest difficulty, so they came to :
- tempt God (22)
- offend God (23)
- mutter against God (29)
As a result, all those who were less
than twenty years old, died. Moreover, their children were forced to
wander during forty years.
Prayer : Lord, help us to not
mutter against you, help us to have a different spirit than people's
in the world and follow wholly your voice.
Bottom line : a different spirit
Tuesday, June 7, 2016
Numbers 14:13-19
Moses was confronted with a great
difficulty, so he prayed before God. In the same way, when we are
confronted with trouble, instead of being afraid or wracking our
brains for human wisdom, we must above all come to the feet of God to
pray. Let's learn about the content of Moses' prayer.
- Moses prayed for the honor of the Eternal God
Moses remembered how the Eternal God
had guided the people of Israel up to this moment (13,14). After
that, he invokes the honor of the Eternal God, saying that if God
kills his rebellious people in the desert, that would be a great
dishonor for God. Thus, Moses begs the Lord to hold back. We can see
here that Moses doesn't pray for his people, for the future of his
people, or for himself, but that he prays that the name of the
Eternal God would not be dishonored. We should not pray for our
church or our people independently of God's will and glory. Many
people pray in this way, but we must stop. Instead, let's pray that
the glory of God would be revealed beyond our family, our sheep or
our church.
- Moses prayed while believing in the love of God
If we look at Moses' prayer, we see
that he first recognized himself as a sinner deserving eternal
condemnation (19). He also acknowledged that the Lord visits the
iniquity of the fathers to the third and fourth generation, but in
the bottom of his heart, Moses also believed that God is a God of
love. Therefore, he was able to come before God and beg for mercy,
forgiveness and that God would continue to love his rebellious
people. We must pray while believing in the love of God ; we
must also pray for the glory of God as our primary subject.
Prayer : Lord, help us to live for
your glory and to believe in your love, so that people around us will
believe in your love. Correct the prayer of this people.
Bottom line : Forgive this people,
just as you forgave your people whom you brought out of Egypt and
sustained until now (19b)
Monday, June 6, 2016
6 june 2016
Nb 14:1-12
If we defined it, faith signifies to
believe, to trust in the Eternal God, who will protect us with his
power and his love, whatever happens to us. This morning, we will
Study Caleb's faith and lift up our weakened knees.
- The Israelites said : Let's Return to Egypt
After listening to ten among twelve
incredulous people's report, Israel raised its voice and cried all
night long. They muttered against Moses and Aaron (2, 5). Then Moses
and Aaron fell face against the ground in front of all the assembly.
What were the Israelites' words ? (3, 4). What do you think
about the Israelites who proposed returning to Egypt and submitting
again as the Egyptians' slaves ?
- Caleb says : We will devour them
To teach faith to a person who has no
content is like teaching colors to blind people (1 Co 2:14,15). But
Caleb and his associates rose and yelled to challenge unbelieving
people. Read aloud verse 6 to 12. They flared up against the people's
incredulity (6), eyes who saw the country of blessing, faith which
trusts in the Eternal God, and eyes to see enemies (9). With these
subjects, think about your faith personally and also about this
people's faith.
Prayer : Lord, thanks for today's
word. Forgive and give your favor to those who don't believe in you
because of lack of faith, raise a lot of men et women of faith like
general Caleb.
A word : If the Eternal God
approves of us (8)
Friday, June 3, 2016
Dr Samuel Lee
June 3, 2016
Num 13: 1-22
We are called soldiers of Christ (2 Timothy 2: 3). As God's people, we have spiritual battles to fight imperatively. By texte of today we learn faith and also two lessons to fight this war.
1) God appointed twelve chiefs (1-16)
God, through Moses, chose a man from each tribe, leader of the Israelites. God sent them to explore the country. What is the reason God chose and established the twelve heads of the Israelites? It is God who establishes, promotes, sends. What is the direction for the spiritual leader of this country to assume, fulfill the will of God?
2) The concrete order of exploration of God
Success for victory depends on faith and trust that God's people gave to Jehovah God. But look ver. 22. How the order to explore the country was concrete. Have you tried to find the concrete details to explore, fight, defeat the enemy? Do you obey concretely to the word of God to lead your struggle until victory? Or are some of you leading the way roughly, obeying what pleases you, rejecting what doesn't please you?
Prayer: Lord, thank you for this word, thou hast ordained leaders to lead the fight to victory, help us, we have a big fight ahead of us to explore and defeat the enemy, give us a concrete fighting order, and help us fight this battle until victory by obeying absolutely and concretely to your word.
One Word: explore the country (2)
Num 13: 1-22
We are called soldiers of Christ (2 Timothy 2: 3). As God's people, we have spiritual battles to fight imperatively. By texte of today we learn faith and also two lessons to fight this war.
1) God appointed twelve chiefs (1-16)
God, through Moses, chose a man from each tribe, leader of the Israelites. God sent them to explore the country. What is the reason God chose and established the twelve heads of the Israelites? It is God who establishes, promotes, sends. What is the direction for the spiritual leader of this country to assume, fulfill the will of God?
2) The concrete order of exploration of God
Success for victory depends on faith and trust that God's people gave to Jehovah God. But look ver. 22. How the order to explore the country was concrete. Have you tried to find the concrete details to explore, fight, defeat the enemy? Do you obey concretely to the word of God to lead your struggle until victory? Or are some of you leading the way roughly, obeying what pleases you, rejecting what doesn't please you?
Prayer: Lord, thank you for this word, thou hast ordained leaders to lead the fight to victory, help us, we have a big fight ahead of us to explore and defeat the enemy, give us a concrete fighting order, and help us fight this battle until victory by obeying absolutely and concretely to your word.
One Word: explore the country (2)
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