Psaume 137 :1-9, Jean 6 :10
Au milieu de tant de vérité à apprendre dans ce précieux texte biblique comparable au trésor sans prix – remarquez le fait que ce récit apparaît alors tous les 4 évangiles – je vous invite à réfléchir sur un geste ayant apparemment un moindre valeur, mais qui porte une grande signification. Il s’agit du fait que Jésus a demandé à ses disciples de faire asseoir la foule.
Que signifie-t-il ? Même si cette leçon ressemble à celle de l’éducation civique, je crois qu’elle comporte une vérité très importante. Quand nous pensons à la posture d’être assis, nous pensons que nous avons un confort physique. Est-ce que Jésus a fait les gens s’asseoir, afin qu’ils soient dans le confort physique ?Quand un serviteur lui a parlé, une jeune fille s’est levé pour lui répondre, si bien que ce serviteur a jugé qu’elle a été élevé correctement dans son éducation de bas âges. Etre debout nous rappelle l’inconfort.J’ai ce souvenir qu’il y a 20 ans quand j’ai du obtenir un titre séjour à Paris, j’ai du faire le queue, moi et ma femme, dans le froid, depuis 6 heures du matin et rester debout jusqu’à 4 heures d’après-midi, avant d’entrer dans le bureau et je trouvais que c’était douloureux. Jésus voulut que les gens s’asseyent. Mais à mon avis, à ce moment, au lieu de les inviter au confort physique, jésus pensa à une autre chose. C’est que Jésus voulut que le cœur des gens soit plutôt adéquat pour recevoir la bénédiction. Ici, les gens s’asseyent sur les herbes dit la Bible. Ils ne s’asseyent pas sur la chaise, mais sur le sol. Jésus ne voulut pas que les gens restent debout pour obtenir le pain et en manger. Nous allons voir dans la suite de l’histoire que ce pain est le pain du ciel, c’est-à-dire la parole de Dieu. Jésus voulut que les gens reçoivent la parole de Dieu en s’abaissant en une position digne de le recevoir. La parole de Dieu s’appelait souvent autrefois Oracles de l’Eternel. Mais la parole de Dieu est le pain descendu du ciel. C’est une nourriture que Dieu dispense du ciel pour nourrir les âmes humaines qui sans elle mourraient de faim. Cette descente de la nourriture est l’expression d’une énorme grâce de la part de Dieu. Nous devons avoir une attitude juste pour la recevoir. A ce moment, certainement, Jésus qui était assis se serait levé pour recevoir la bénédiction de Dieu et pour la distribuer à la foule. Pour que nous recevions la parole et la bénédiction, il faut que nos yeux soient situés plus que ceux de notre Seigneur Jésus. Cette semaine, j’ai eu l’occasion de participer à une réunion des église coréenne de l’Europe, et écoute le sermon d’un serviteur. Pendant 30 minutes de son sermon, je n’ai pas pu recevoir convenablement la parole prêché par lui au début de son message. Je me suis aperçu que mon cœur avait eu du mal à s’abaisser en raison du fait qu’il a son âge de 5 ans de moins par rapport à moi. Après que j’ai prié et me suis repenti de mon orgueil, c’est alors que mes oreilles ont commencé à s’ouvrir et recevoir la parole. Que Dieu abaisse à chaque fois suffisamment notre cœur, afin que nous recevions convenablement sa parole.
Jésus leva ses yeux vers le ciel et bénit les 5 pains et 2 poissons et les distribua. Donc, quand nous recevons la parole de Dieu, il faut que nous prenions la position basse, celle de l’humilité. Alors Dieu verse sa bénédiction en abondance.
Le psaume 137 est le psaume composé par les Israélites qui étaient de retour de la captivité en Babylone. En 586 avant Jésus, le royaume de Juda fut envahi par les Babyloniens et le roi et tout le peuple fut emporté par eux. Après 70 ans de captivité, Israël retourna en Canaan, comme Dieu avait promis par la bouche du prophète de Jérémie. Le peuple se souvint de cette scène pathétique qui se produisit au bord de la rivière de Babylone. Ainsi le verset 1 nous dit : « Auprès des fleuves de Babylone, là nous étions assis et nous pleurions. En nous souvenons du Sion. »
Plus tard, le peuple confessa : « Oh, si j’oublie Jérusalem, que ma droite t’oublie. » Si on voit la Bible, le mot Jérusalem et le mot Babylone altèrent pour apparaître. Sion est la montagne situé au milieu de Jérusalem.Jérusalem se réfère à la sainteté et la majesté de Dieu, alors que la Babylonie se réfère au désir et plaisir du monde. St. Augustin disait dans son célèbre livre « cité de Dieu » que Babylone est le cœur qui aime soi-même plus que Dieu et Jérusalem le cœur qui aime soi-même, mais qui aime Dieu plus que cet amour de soi.Mais comme nous voyons la fin de Babylone qui est la disparition de la carte géographique du monde, la fin d’une vie égoïste est la perdition. C’est comme Paul dit dans son épître aux Romains : avoir la tendance de la chair, c’est la mort ; nous pouvons maquiller notre vie de foi, mais nous ne pouvons pas cacher notre réelle foi devant Dieu. Si malgré la forme extérieure de piété, si nous avons cette tendance de chercher nos intérêts égoïstes, nous serons conduits vers la fin tragique comme Babylone. Mais Jérusalem, cité de Dieu représente la vie sainte et la vraie foi en Dieu.
Maintenant dans le cadre de ce psaume, nous voyons 2 camps différents : l’un est le camps des colonisateurs. Ils sont les Babyloniens, dominateurs. Ils sont assis près du fleuve. Ce serait certainement le confluent du fleuve de l’Euphrate ou celui du Tigre. Ils sont là pour l’amusement et la jouissance. Un peu plus loin sont assis un autre groupe, celui des colonisés ou captifs. Selon le document historique, l’empire de Babylone employait la politique de l’insertion des colonisés. Donc, quand les Israélites arrivèrent à la terre de Babylone, ils étaient implanté dans une région campagnarde et menaient une activité agricole, il leur est permis même d’avoir quelque possession matérielle.
Or, ce group de captif immigrés sont assis un peu plus loin que celui des Babyloniens qui auraient été certainement les surveillants. Alors ces Babyloniens demandèrent aux Israélites de jouer une morceau de musique avec leur instrument.
Réfléchissons encore sur cette position d’assis. Comme je vous ai dit que l’un s’est assis pour se reposer et s’amuser, mais comment était l’autre ? Les Israélites s’étaient assis pour pleurer. Pourquoi pleuraient-ils ? A la pensée de quoi pleuraient-ils ? Ici, leur position d’assis n’est pas un simple assis, elle est une posture de grande lamentation. C’est comme si quelqu’un s’affaisse à terre et commence à sangloter. C’est une des positions les pitoyables pour l’homme. Or, eux pleurèrent à la pensée de Sion, à la pensée de la cité sainte, Jérusalem.
D’abord, Jérusalem se réfère à la nation. Les Israélites ont perdu leur nation, si bien que maintenant, ils étaient un peuple sans patrie. Donc, en ce moment, ils s’affaissent à terre et pleurent amèrement. Au souvenir de ce passé, Israël actuel qui fut récupéré aurait reconnu que Dieu avait écouté leur lamentation. Donc ce souvenir n’est pas seulement un mauvais souvenir, mais un souvenir plutôt béni et joyeux. En tout cas, à l’époque, tous les Israélites en captivité se lamentèrent de leur perte de patrie, et priait Dieu de leur rendre la patrie. C’est pourquoi ils s’étaient assis auprès du fleuve de Babylone.
Maintenant, le temple est brûlé, la muraille détruite. Qui s’occupe de la nation ? Personne, tout le pays est dévasté et est devenu l’objet de moquerie des autres nations environnantes. Ils se lamentèrent, mais sans être encouragés ni consolés, car Dieu les a abandonnés. Avez vous pris une telle posture d’un complet abaissement et humiliation ? Et ce pour la nation ? Qui s’occupe de votre nation ? Est-ce que les hommes politiques s’en occupent ? Peut-être. Mais ceux qui s’occupent de la nation sont ceux qui se lamentent de son sort malheureux spirituellement.A quoi sert de gagner le monde entier, si on perd l’âme ?Les hommes politiques se concentrent au objectif de croissance économique et l’équilibre budgétaire du gouvernement. Mais ils sont irresponsables aux problèmes spirituels. Quels sont les leaders religieux ? Ils s’occupent de leurs rites, mais sans trop se soucier du salut des âmes de leur ouaille. Ils se rallient aux pensées du monde et consolent les gens avec de fausses promesses. Qui s’occupent vraiment de cette nation ? Je dirait que ce sont ceux qui prient avec une position très basse et écoutent la parole de Dieu avec une attitude toute humble. Alors la bénédiction leur est versé comme un manne du ciel.
Il y a quelque semaine, j’ai parlé du bienfait de la comparaison. Je crois que dans cette leçon ce serait judicieux de faire la comparaison entre notre nation et celle de l’Asie émergeants. Comme je suis originaire de la Corée du sud, je peux vous faire cette comparaison entre la France et la Corée.Si on compare le revenu par tête, la France est le double de la Corée. On ne peut pourtant pas dire que la France est doublement riche, car elle a un niveau de vie plus cher que la Corée. Mais si on voit le taux de croissance, pendant 30 dernière années, la Corée a eu le record, car il s’est développé à une grande haleine, alors que le niveau de la France est légèrement amélioré. Je ne veux pas vous dire le cours statistique économique aujourd’hui. Seulement, je tire votre attention de la croissance du nombre chrétiens dans ce pays.
Pendant ces périodes où la déchristianisation s’accélère en France, dans l’autre côté du globe, il arriva un tout à fait autre phénomène. Il y a 100 ans – l’histoire du christianisme en Corée englobe à peine 200 ans – le taux de la population chrétienne n’était que 1,5%. Mais au bout de 100 ans, la Corée en vient à compter la proportion de sa population chrétienne à 40% de sa population. Maintenant, ce phénomène se propage de plus en plus en Asie, en Afrique et en Amérique latine.
Sans nier qu’il y a une tendance de la recherche des bénédictions matérielles parmi les chrétiens, je constate qu’il y a derrière ce phénomène par lequel la Corée est devenu deuxième pays au niveau du nombre des missionnaires après les Etats-Unis, cette position basse des fidèles face à la prière et à la parole sainte de Dieu. On peut dire que c’est comme le cas de veuve qui apparaît dans Luc 18. Un des particularité de la chrétienté coréenne, on peut prendre le culte matinal du tôt matin. Les chrétiens viennent au temple massivement au temple. Pourquoi se réunissent-ils ainsi massivement dès le matin ? Ils se réunissent au temple et prient pour eux et leurs familles, je crois, mais autrefois et maintenant aussi, selon l’observateur, ils priaient pour leur nation. La Corée a été dans une situation assez particulière, et une tension et une sorte d’urgence demeure toujours géopolitiquement. Historiquement, elle a été colonisé par les Japonais pendant 36 ans, puis après la deuxième guerre mondiale elle fut divisée en deux par les puissances, puis pendant 3 ans il passa la guerre de la Corée, et enfin passa par les révoltes des étudiants et le coup d’état, puis pendant longtemps elle était sous la dictature. Humainement, il n’y a rien d’éclatant, plutôt une misère était dominante. Mais entre-temps, les coréens sont devenu humbles. Ils sentaient que leur nation submerge et disparaisse. Il semblait devenir comme ces Israélites qui avaient perdu leur nation dans la captivité en Babylone. Donc, ils vinrent au temple dès le matin et prirent pour leur nation, en disant : sauve-nous. Sauve cette nation. Notre église en Corée qui prépare cette année 50e anniversaire à laquelle je voudrais inviter mes nombreux fidèles en France, s’était aussi développé avec la prière matinale. Quand nos ancêtres de foi se réunissent et priait cette fois non seulement pour leur propre pays, mais pour les nations du monde, Dieu a béni leur prière, afin que notre église soit précieusement utilisé pour accomplissement de la volonté divine d’envoyer les jeunes disciples pour porter l’évangile jusqu’aux extrémités de la terre. La Corée a été appelé pays ermite. Mais les coréens défiaient par la foi pour être une source de bénédiction pour les autres pays. Puis Dieu a fait d’elle un pays qui nourrit les autres pays. Charles Spurgeons a dit que comme les nuages épais d’averse amène la pluie orageuse, la prière humble qu’on adresse avec assurance amène toujours la bénédiction divine.
Quand Jésus dit aux disciple de nourrir la foule, il dit aussi dans l’autre évangile, « Donne-leur vous-mêmes à manger. » Que signifie ce mot, « vous-mêmes » ? Il signifie bien sûr qu’on doit avoir la responsabilité pour nourrir la foule. Mais il signifie aussi à mon avis : vous vous nourrirez entre vous-mêmes, sans dépendre des autres gens. J’ai entendu que dans le catholicisme, la France envoie des missionnaires aux pays de tiers monde, ne serait-ce que très peu. Mais en ce concerne le protestantisme, la France est un pays qui reçoit les missionnaires. Quand j’ai participé il y a deux ans dans la conférence des missionnaires coréens qui travaillent dans les pays francophones d’Afrique, la plupart des missionnaires avait ce sujet étonnant de prière qui est d’envoyer les africains comme missionnaires en France. Pour moi, qui priait toujours pour envoyer les missionnaires français vers les pays francophone, ce sujet était étonnant, même un peu honteux, mais si nous réfléchissons, ce sujet est conforme à la réalité actuelle de la spiritualité en France. Donc, cela nous fournit beaucoup de sujet de réflexion. Mais que faire dans cette situation ? Il faut que nous écoutions la parole de Jésus et prier que Dieu bénisse notre pays, afin que les Français se nourrissent eux-mêmes sans dépendre des autres. Il y a en Angleterre, un jeune chrétien finissant le premier année de son université appelé Smith, son avenir désirant servir Dieu était pourtant dans l’incertitude. Alors il cherchait instamment et humblement la conduite de Dieu. Sous le ciel bleu de l’automne, pendant qu’il méditait la parole de Dieu, il y eut quelque chose qui vint comme une étoile du matin toucher son cœur. C’était Ezéchiel 3. Quand il lisait Ez 3 :5, il semblait que la voix de Dieu se fit entendre auprès de lui. « Car ce n’est pas vers un peuple ayant un langue obscur, une langue inintelligible, que tu es envoyé ; c’est vers la maison d’Israël. » En y réfléchissant, le jeune homme en vint à conclure que la volonté de Dieu n’est pas qu’il soit missionnaire, mais qu’il soit un serviteur pour son peuple. Pour que nous prions pour notre nation, à mon avis, il n’y a pas d’autres moyens que de prier. Pourquoi pas imiter les Coréens qui semblent être un peu cinglés pour se réunir dès le matin. C’était une affaire nationale pour faire revivre spirituellement ce pays qui était en train de glisser dans l’obscurité de sans espoir et sans vision. Notre bande de prière matinale est misérable en nombre. Mais je crois la prière que nous adressons à Dieu désespérément le tôt matin est une agréable odeur devant Dieu. J’ai cette vision que cette prière que nous faisons monter changera la nation française, jusqu’à ce qu’elle deviennent un pays qui envoie même les missionnaires en Afrique et en Asie et en monde arabe un jour.
Deuxièmement, Jérusalem dans le psaume se réfère au temple, c’est-à-dire l’église. Là se tenait le temple de Salomon. Les Israélites se lamentaient en dirigeant leur regard vers Jérusalem, car ils se souvinrent de leur temple. Ils se lamentaient du fait qu’il ne pouvaient plus aller au temple et adorer Dieu dans sa présence. J’ai entendu que nos enfants apprenaient qu’il faut aller au temple. Nous tous devons nous réjouir de venir au temple, participer aux réunions et aspirer à écouter la parole divine.L’auteur du Psaume 84 nous chante sa cherté du temple, en disant surtout dans le verset 11, « Mieux vaut en effet un jour dans ses parvis que mille ailleurs ; j’ai choisi de me tenir sur le seuil de la maison de mon Dieu, plutôt que de résider sous les tentes de la méchanceté. » Je me souvient d’une amusante histoire que feu Dr Lee, pendant son vivant a donné un entraînement à un de ses premiers disciples – il a été élevé par sa mère veuve tristement – qu’il soit le gardien du seuil du centre en Corée, et que celui-ci, en renonçant à sa fierté, devait courber jusqu’au rein à chaque personne qui entre dans le centre. Mais il était toujours si joyeux que chaque personne reçut la grâce, et bien sûr qu’elle dut y répondre avec la salutation de courbette jusqu’au rein. Il devint un des plus puissants serviteurs de notre église.
La pensée et la fréquentation au temple par les fidèles sont la matière primordiale de la communauté chrétienne et elles sont les éléments qui vivifient les nations. Comment si les fidèles restent dans leur cocon familial, Dieu pourra-t-il bénir la nation ? Quand Anne monta à Silo où il y eut le temple à l’époque et pria pour son fils qui deviendra le leader spirituel du pays, Dieu courba son bras et exauça sa prière. 7j/7, 24h/24, notre cœur doit se diriger vers le temple et au moins une fois par jour, nous devons mettre nos pas dans le temple, car voyez combien ces Israélites se lamentaient de leur situation captive qui les empêchait de se déplacer jusqu’au temple. Israël pensait qu’en dehors d’Israël, il n’y a pas de présence divine. Donc, lorsque Jacob alla vers Padan Aram, les théologiens disent que même les anges changeaient leur tour, car les anges extérieurs du sol d’Israël sont différents que ceux sous le ciel d’Israël. Nous pensons que Dieu est partout dans le monde. Mais, selon mon expérience, ma prière au centre est mille fois meilleure et efficace que celle dans ma cellule.
Troisièmement, Jérusalem se réfère à la repentance. Maintenant Jérusalem, cette cité appelé sainte ayant la gloire resplendissante au niveau à la fois physique et spirituel, a perdu tout son éclat du passé. Sa muraille fut démoli, le tempe avec. Quel malheur fut tombé sur eux ! C’est pourquoi le peuple s’assit près du fleuve et pleurait en répandant beaucoup de larmes. Leurs pères avaient abandonné leur foi d’autrefois et la grâce d’antan immuable de Dieu, pour se rallier aux idoles païens des Cananéens. Pourtant, Dieu leur avait promis que s’ils aimaient la valeur mondaine des Cananéens ainsi que leur idoles, ils périraient un jour subitement. Mais ils endurcissaient leur cœur et en trahissant la grâce, tuaient les prophètes. Dieu les conduit en la captivité en Babylone. Et maintenant, étant assis près du fleuve, ils se souvinrent de leur vie méchante et pleurèrent abondamment.
Là il y eut le renouveau. Quand, en répandant beaucoup de larmes, ils se repentirent, ils se sentirent pardonné de tout leur péché et sentirent qu’ils sont devenus de nouvelles créations. C’était vraiment un nouveau commencement. Vraiment, cette guerre violente par laquelle tout a été enlevé ; les maisons démolis, les femmes violés, les enfants en esclavage, toute cette scène avait laissé des cicatrices atroces. Mais quand ils se repentirent de leur péché, je ne sais comment, tous ces mémoires furent couvertes d’une blancheur et ils sentaient qu’ils deviennent de nouveau les enfants de peaux si douces. Un nouveau soleil se leva.
La repentance est un cœur abaissé et contrit à cause du péché. Les captifs d’Israël, non seulement s’étaient affaissés au sol, mais enfonçaient leur tête entre les genoux pour exprimer leur lamentation envers Dieu. Dieu bénit toujours le cœur brisé et abaissé à cause du péché. Par notre venue au temple, par notre repentance de nos péchés et par notre prière pour la nation, Dieu verse sa bénédiction abondante sur nous et nos contemporains.
Quand Jésus vit la foule, il eut la compassion et voulut les nourrir, malgré qu’elle fut venu pour les miracles.Puis il posa la question à Philippe : où achèterons-nous des pains pour que ces gens aient à manger ? Le verset suivant dit que Jésus disait cela pour l’éprouver. En anglais c’était pour le tester.Jésus a testé de temps en temps les disciples pendant son ministère. Une fois que Jésus était à la région du nord d’Israël du nom de Philippes et posa cette question aux disciples, « Que dites-vous que je suis ? » C’est une question ontologique : c’est-à-dire concernant son être. Mais la question qu’il posa à Philippe dans Jean 6 est une question déontologique, c’est-à-dire concernant le faire : « Que faire ? » « Où achetons-nous ? » Au niveau du planning ministériel, la première question fut posée au milieu du ministère, tandis que la 2e question fut posé au début du ministère. Toujours comprendre qui est quelqu’un prend le temps. Jésus enseigne d’abord aux disciples ce qu’ils doivent faire. C’est une sorte de l’éducation civique sur les devoirs citoyens qu’on doit respecter d’abord sans savoir l’esprit de leur législateurs. Cela va à l’encontre de notre coutume de pensée qui dit : il ne faut pas imposer le devoir à quelqu’un, avant qu’il rencontre personnellement Jésus-Christ.
Ainsi, Jésus nous enseigne ce que nous devons faire en tant que son peuple, en tant que son disciple, en tant que ses élus, sans attendre jusqu’à ce que nous comprenions parfaitement quel est le but de ces actions ou qui est celui qui les a décrétés. Donc, ici, suite à la leçon dernière, nous revient le problème de l’obéissance. La raison humaine veut comprendre toute chose avant de mettre en œuvre un ordre. Cogito Ergosum. Mais, le peuple de Dieu doit savoir mettre en œuvre d’abord le devoir dans l’obéissance. Et au fur et à mesure qu’il y obéit, Dieu fait comprendre quelle était sa volonté pour le demander.
Jésus dit : nourris-les. Jésus dit encore : Faites les asseoir. Il n’y a pas d’explication de sa part pour tous ces actions demandés. Mais les disciples obéirent à son ordre et l’exécutèrent. Puis ils comprirent pourquoi Jésus leur avait ordonner ainsi. Enfin, ils en vinrent à comprendre aussi qui il est. Alléluia !
Psalm 137 :1-9, John 6: 10
In the midst of so much truth to be learned in this precious treasure comparable to the biblical text without price - note that this story appears in all four gospels - I invite you to reflect on a gesture apparently having little value, but which carries a very important significance. It is the fact that Jesus asked his disciples to seat the crowd.
What does it mean? While this lesson is similar to that of civic education, I think it contains a very important truth. When we think of sitting posture, we believe that we have a physical comfort. Did Jesus make people sit, so they have physical comfort? When a servant told her, a young girl got up to answer him, so this servant understoot that she was raised properly in education of young ages. Be standing reminder of the discomfort. I remember this 20 years ago when I had to obtain a stay in Paris, I had to make the tail, me and my wife in the cold for 6 o'clock in the morning and stay up until 4 o'clock in the afternoon, before entering the office and I found it was painful. Jesus wanted people sit. But in my opinion, at this time, instead of inviting them to physical comfort, Jesus thought of another thing. Jesus wanted the heart of people is rather suitable to receive the blessing. Here, people sit on the grass the Bible says. They do not sit on the chair, but on the ground. Jesus would not let people stand around to get the bread and eat it. We will see later in the story that this bread is the bread of heaven, to say the word of God. Jesus insisted that people receive the word of God in a lowered position worthy to receive it. The word of God was often called once Oracles of the Lord. But the word of God is bread descended from heaven. It's a food that God provides from the sky to feed the souls of men who would starve without it. This descent of food is an expression of tremendous grace from God. We must have the right attitude to receive it. At this moment, certainly, Jesus who sat stood up to receive the blessing of God and to distribute to the crowd. For us to receive word and blessing, we need our eyes are located lower than our Lord Jesus. This week I had the opportunity to attend a meeting of the Korean Churchs of Europe, and hear the sermon of a servant. For 30 minutes of his sermon, I could not properly receive the Word preached by him at the beginning of his message. I realized that my heart had difficulty to descend by the fact that his age was 5 years less compared to me. After I prayed and I have repented of my pride, that's when my ears began to open up and receive the word. May God lower every time our heart enough so that we get a decently th Words.
Jesus raised his eyes toward heaven and blessed the five loaves and two fish and distributed them. So when we receive the word of God, we must take the down position, that of humility. Then God pours his blessings in abundance.
Psalm 137 is the psalm composed by the Israelites who had returned from captivity in Babylon. In 586 BC, Judah was invaded by the Babylonians and the king and all the people were carried away by them. After 70 years in captivity, Israel returned to Canaan, as God had promised through the prophet Jeremiah. The people remembered the pathetic scene which occurred in the river of Babylon. So verse 1 tells us: "Beside the rivers of Babylon there we sat and wept. As we remember the Zion. "
Later, the people confessed: "Oh, if I forget Jerusalem, may my right hand forget you."If we see the Bible, the word Jerusalem and the word Babylon alter to appear. Zion is the mountain in the middle of Jérusalem.Jérusalem refers to the holiness and majesty of God, while Babylonia refers to the desire and pleasure in the world. St. Augustine said in his famous book "City of God" that Babylon is the heart that loves himself more than God, and Jerusalem is the heart that loves himself, but loves God more than we love ourselves. But as the end of Babylon is the disappearance of the world map, the end of a selfish life is destruction. It's like Paul said in his Epistle to the Romans, having the tendency of the flesh is death, we can make up our life of faith, but we can not hide our true faith before God. If, despite the outward of piety, if we have this tendency to look for our selfish interests, we shall be led to the tragic end as Babylon. But Jerusalem, City of God is the holy life and true faith in God.
Now in the context of this psalm, we see two different camps: one is the camp of the colonizers. They are the Babylonians, domineering. They sit near the river. It would certainly confluence of the Euphrates or the Tigris. They are there for fun and enjoyment. A little farther sit another group, the colonized or captives. According to historical documents, the Babylonian empire employed the policy of integration of the colonized. So when the Israelites reached the land of Babylon, they were located in a rural region and led an agricultural activity, they are even allowed to have any material possessions.
However, this group of captive immigrants sit a little further than the Babylonians, who were certainly supervisors. While these Babylonians asked the Israelites to play a piece of music with their instruments.
Still think about this sitting position. As I told you that one sat down to relax and have fun, but how was the other? The Israelites had sat down to cry. Why they were crying? At the thought of what were they crying? Here, their sitting position is not simply sitting, it is a posture of great lamentation. It's as if someone collapses to the ground and began to sob. It is the more pitiful position for humans. However, they wept at the thought of Zion, at the thought of the holy city, Jerusalem.
First, Jerusalem refers to the nation. The Israelites had lost their nation, so that now they were a people without a country. So now, they collapse to the ground and weep bitterly. In memory of the past, Israel was recovered today so they would have recognized that God had heard their cry. So that memory is not only a bad memory, but rather blessed and happy memories. In any case, at the time, all the Israelites in captivity mourned their lost homeland, and prayed God to make their homeland recovered. That's why they were sitting by the river of Babylon.
Now the temple is burned, the wall destroyed. Who takes care of the nation? Nobody, all country is devastated and became the subject of mockery from other surrounding nations. They mourned, but without being encouraged or comforted, because God has abandoned them. Have you take such a posture of complete abasement and humiliation? And for the nation? Who takes care of your nation? Do politicians care for them? Maybe. But those involved in the nation are those who lament his doom spiritually. What is to gain the world if we lose the soul? Politicians focus on the targets of economic growth and balance of government budget. But they are irresponsible to the spiritual problems. What are the religious leaders? They take care of their rites, but without worrying too much about the salvation of soul of their flock. They align themselves with thoughts of the world and comfort the people with false promises. Really who are involved in this nation? I would say that it is those who pray with a very low position and hear the word of God with a humble attitude throughout. So the blessing has been poured on them as a manna from sky.
A few weeks ago, I mentioned the benefit of comparison. I think this lesson would be wise to make the comparison between our nation and that of emerging Asia. As I am from South Korea, I can make this comparison between France and Korea. If we compare incomes per capita, France is double of Korea. We can not yet say that France is doubly rich because it has a standard of living more expensive than Korea. But if one sees the growth rate during last 30 years, Korea has had the record, because it developed a big breath, while the level in France is slightly improved. I wouldn’t give you lesson on the current economic statistics today. But I draw your attention to the growing number of Christians in this country.
During these periods of accelerating de-Christianization in France, across the globe, there came a quite different phenomenon. 100 years ago - the story of Christianity in Korea encompasses a mere 200 years - the rate of the Christian population was only 1.5%. But after 100 years, Korea comes from the proportion of its Christian population to 40% of its population. Now, this phenomenon is spreading increasingly in Asia, Africa and Latin America.
Without denying that there is a tendency ofthe research of material blessings among Christians, I see what's behind the phenomenon by which Korea became the second country in the number of missionaries after the United States, this low position of the faithful to prayer and before the holy word of God. Arguably it is as if a widow who appears in Luke 18. One peculiarity of Korean Christianity, you can take the morning worship of the early morning. Christians come to the temple to temple massively. Why do they meet so heavily in the morning? They meet at the temple and pray for them and their families, I think, but also then and now, according to the observer, they prayed for their nation. Korea was in a rather special, and a tension and a sort of emergency remains geopolitically. Historically, it was colonized by Japan for 36 years and then after the second world war it was divided into two by powers, then for 3 years he spent the war in Korea, and finally passed by the student revolts and coup d’état, then for a long time she was under the dictatorship. Humanly speaking, there is nothing striking, rather misery was dominant. But in the meantime, Koreans have become humble. They felt that their nation was overwhelmed and disappears. They seemed to be like those Israelites who had lost their nation in captivity in Babylon. So they came to the temple in the morning and took to their nation, saying, save us. Save this nation. Our church in Korea that prepares 50th anniversary this year which I would like to invite my many followers in France, was also developed with the morning prayer. When our ancestors of faith come together and praying this time not only for their own country, but to the nations of the world, God has blessed their prayer so that our church be preciously used to accomplish the divine will to send young disciples to bring the gospel to the ends of the earth. Korea has been called a hermit country. But the Koreans defied by faith to be a blessing for other countries. And God has made her a country that nurrish other countries. Charles Spurgeon said that as the thick clouds of rain brings rain storm, the humble prayer that we address with confidence always brings God's blessing.
When Jesus told the disciples to feed the crowd, he also said in the other gospel, "Give them yourself something to eat. "What does the word" yourself "? It means of course we must have the responsibility to feed the crowd. But it also means to me: you feed one another between yourselves, without relying on other people. I heard that in Catholicism, France sent missionaries to third world countries, even if it is very little. But in regards to Protestantism, France is a country that receives the missionaries. When I attended two years ago in the conference of Korean missionaries working in Francophone African countries, most of the missionaries was surprisingly praying with this prayer to send the Africans as missionaries in France. For me, who always prayed for sending missionaries to the French-speaking country, this issue was amazing, even a little ashamed, but if we think, this subject is consistent with the current reality of spirituality in France. So this gives us much subjects for thinking. But what to do in this situation? We must listen to the word of Jesus and pray that God bless our country, so that the French feed themselves without depending on others. Long time ago in England, a young Christian ending the first year of his university called Smith, his future, wanting to serve God was yet in uncertainty. Then he earnestly and humbly seeking God's guidance. Under the blue skies of autumn, while he was meditating the word of God, there was something that came as a morning star touch his heart. It was Ezekiel 3. When he read Ezekiel 3: 5, it seemed that God's voice was heard in him. "For it is not to a people with obscure language, a language unintelligible, you are sent, it is towards the house of Israel. "On reflection, the young man came to the conclusion that the will of God is not that hi goes as missionary, but he be a servant to his people. For that we pray for our nation, in my opinion,
Psalm 137 :1-9, John 6: 10
In the midst of so much truth to be learned in this precious treasure comparable to the biblical text without price - note that this story appears in all four gospels - I invite you to reflect on a gesture apparently having little value, but which carries a very important significance. It is the fact that Jesus asked his disciples to seat the crowd.
What does it mean? While this lesson is similar to that of civic education, I think it contains a very important truth. When we think of sitting posture, we believe that we have a physical comfort. Did Jesus make people sit, so they have physical comfort? When a servant told her, a young girl got up to answer him, so this servant understoot that she was raised properly in education of young ages. Be standing reminder of the discomfort. I remember this 20 years ago when I had to obtain a stay in Paris, I had to make the tail, me and my wife in the cold for 6 o'clock in the morning and stay up until 4 o'clock in the afternoon, before entering the office and I found it was painful. Jesus wanted people sit. But in my opinion, at this time, instead of inviting them to physical comfort, Jesus thought of another thing. Jesus wanted the heart of people is rather suitable to receive the blessing. Here, people sit on the grass the Bible says. They do not sit on the chair, but on the ground. Jesus would not let people stand around to get the bread and eat it. We will see later in the story that this bread is the bread of heaven, to say the word of God. Jesus insisted that people receive the word of God in a lowered position worthy to receive it. The word of God was often called once Oracles of the Lord. But the word of God is bread descended from heaven. It's a food that God provides from the sky to feed the souls of men who would starve without it. This descent of food is an expression of tremendous grace from God. We must have the right attitude to receive it. At this moment, certainly, Jesus who sat stood up to receive the blessing of God and to distribute to the crowd. For us to receive word and blessing, we need our eyes are located lower than our Lord Jesus. This week I had the opportunity to attend a meeting of the Korean Churchs of Europe, and hear the sermon of a servant. For 30 minutes of his sermon, I could not properly receive the Word preached by him at the beginning of his message. I realized that my heart had difficulty to descend by the fact that his age was 5 years less compared to me. After I prayed and I have repented of my pride, that's when my ears began to open up and receive the word. May God lower every time our heart enough so that we get a decently th Words.
Jesus raised his eyes toward heaven and blessed the five loaves and two fish and distributed them. So when we receive the word of God, we must take the down position, that of humility. Then God pours his blessings in abundance.
Psalm 137 is the psalm composed by the Israelites who had returned from captivity in Babylon. In 586 BC, Judah was invaded by the Babylonians and the king and all the people were carried away by them. After 70 years in captivity, Israel returned to Canaan, as God had promised through the prophet Jeremiah. The people remembered the pathetic scene which occurred in the river of Babylon. So verse 1 tells us: "Beside the rivers of Babylon there we sat and wept. As we remember the Zion. "
Later, the people confessed: "Oh, if I forget Jerusalem, may my right hand forget you."If we see the Bible, the word Jerusalem and the word Babylon alter to appear. Zion is the mountain in the middle of Jérusalem.Jérusalem refers to the holiness and majesty of God, while Babylonia refers to the desire and pleasure in the world. St. Augustine said in his famous book "City of God" that Babylon is the heart that loves himself more than God, and Jerusalem is the heart that loves himself, but loves God more than we love ourselves. But as the end of Babylon is the disappearance of the world map, the end of a selfish life is destruction. It's like Paul said in his Epistle to the Romans, having the tendency of the flesh is death, we can make up our life of faith, but we can not hide our true faith before God. If, despite the outward of piety, if we have this tendency to look for our selfish interests, we shall be led to the tragic end as Babylon. But Jerusalem, City of God is the holy life and true faith in God.
Now in the context of this psalm, we see two different camps: one is the camp of the colonizers. They are the Babylonians, domineering. They sit near the river. It would certainly confluence of the Euphrates or the Tigris. They are there for fun and enjoyment. A little farther sit another group, the colonized or captives. According to historical documents, the Babylonian empire employed the policy of integration of the colonized. So when the Israelites reached the land of Babylon, they were located in a rural region and led an agricultural activity, they are even allowed to have any material possessions.
However, this group of captive immigrants sit a little further than the Babylonians, who were certainly supervisors. While these Babylonians asked the Israelites to play a piece of music with their instruments.
Still think about this sitting position. As I told you that one sat down to relax and have fun, but how was the other? The Israelites had sat down to cry. Why they were crying? At the thought of what were they crying? Here, their sitting position is not simply sitting, it is a posture of great lamentation. It's as if someone collapses to the ground and began to sob. It is the more pitiful position for humans. However, they wept at the thought of Zion, at the thought of the holy city, Jerusalem.
First, Jerusalem refers to the nation. The Israelites had lost their nation, so that now they were a people without a country. So now, they collapse to the ground and weep bitterly. In memory of the past, Israel was recovered today so they would have recognized that God had heard their cry. So that memory is not only a bad memory, but rather blessed and happy memories. In any case, at the time, all the Israelites in captivity mourned their lost homeland, and prayed God to make their homeland recovered. That's why they were sitting by the river of Babylon.
Now the temple is burned, the wall destroyed. Who takes care of the nation? Nobody, all country is devastated and became the subject of mockery from other surrounding nations. They mourned, but without being encouraged or comforted, because God has abandoned them. Have you take such a posture of complete abasement and humiliation? And for the nation? Who takes care of your nation? Do politicians care for them? Maybe. But those involved in the nation are those who lament his doom spiritually. What is to gain the world if we lose the soul? Politicians focus on the targets of economic growth and balance of government budget. But they are irresponsible to the spiritual problems. What are the religious leaders? They take care of their rites, but without worrying too much about the salvation of soul of their flock. They align themselves with thoughts of the world and comfort the people with false promises. Really who are involved in this nation? I would say that it is those who pray with a very low position and hear the word of God with a humble attitude throughout. So the blessing has been poured on them as a manna from sky.
A few weeks ago, I mentioned the benefit of comparison. I think this lesson would be wise to make the comparison between our nation and that of emerging Asia. As I am from South Korea, I can make this comparison between France and Korea. If we compare incomes per capita, France is double of Korea. We can not yet say that France is doubly rich because it has a standard of living more expensive than Korea. But if one sees the growth rate during last 30 years, Korea has had the record, because it developed a big breath, while the level in France is slightly improved. I wouldn’t give you lesson on the current economic statistics today. But I draw your attention to the growing number of Christians in this country.
During these periods of accelerating de-Christianization in France, across the globe, there came a quite different phenomenon. 100 years ago - the story of Christianity in Korea encompasses a mere 200 years - the rate of the Christian population was only 1.5%. But after 100 years, Korea comes from the proportion of its Christian population to 40% of its population. Now, this phenomenon is spreading increasingly in Asia, Africa and Latin America.
Without denying that there is a tendency ofthe research of material blessings among Christians, I see what's behind the phenomenon by which Korea became the second country in the number of missionaries after the United States, this low position of the faithful to prayer and before the holy word of God. Arguably it is as if a widow who appears in Luke 18. One peculiarity of Korean Christianity, you can take the morning worship of the early morning. Christians come to the temple to temple massively. Why do they meet so heavily in the morning? They meet at the temple and pray for them and their families, I think, but also then and now, according to the observer, they prayed for their nation. Korea was in a rather special, and a tension and a sort of emergency remains geopolitically. Historically, it was colonized by Japan for 36 years and then after the second world war it was divided into two by powers, then for 3 years he spent the war in Korea, and finally passed by the student revolts and coup d’état, then for a long time she was under the dictatorship. Humanly speaking, there is nothing striking, rather misery was dominant. But in the meantime, Koreans have become humble. They felt that their nation was overwhelmed and disappears. They seemed to be like those Israelites who had lost their nation in captivity in Babylon. So they came to the temple in the morning and took to their nation, saying, save us. Save this nation. Our church in Korea that prepares 50th anniversary this year which I would like to invite my many followers in France, was also developed with the morning prayer. When our ancestors of faith come together and praying this time not only for their own country, but to the nations of the world, God has blessed their prayer so that our church be preciously used to accomplish the divine will to send young disciples to bring the gospel to the ends of the earth. Korea has been called a hermit country. But the Koreans defied by faith to be a blessing for other countries. And God has made her a country that nurrish other countries. Charles Spurgeon said that as the thick clouds of rain brings rain storm, the humble prayer that we address with confidence always brings God's blessing.
When Jesus told the disciples to feed the crowd, he also said in the other gospel, "Give them yourself something to eat. "What does the word" yourself "? It means of course we must have the responsibility to feed the crowd. But it also means to me: you feed one another between yourselves, without relying on other people. I heard that in Catholicism, France sent missionaries to third world countries, even if it is very little. But in regards to Protestantism, France is a country that receives the missionaries. When I attended two years ago in the conference of Korean missionaries working in Francophone African countries, most of the missionaries was surprisingly praying with this prayer to send the Africans as missionaries in France. For me, who always prayed for sending missionaries to the French-speaking country, this issue was amazing, even a little ashamed, but if we think, this subject is consistent with the current reality of spirituality in France. So this gives us much subjects for thinking. But what to do in this situation? We must listen to the word of Jesus and pray that God bless our country, so that the French feed themselves without depending on others. Long time ago in England, a young Christian ending the first year of his university called Smith, his future, wanting to serve God was yet in uncertainty. Then he earnestly and humbly seeking God's guidance. Under the blue skies of autumn, while he was meditating the word of God, there was something that came as a morning star touch his heart. It was Ezekiel 3. When he read Ezekiel 3: 5, it seemed that God's voice was heard in him. "For it is not to a people with obscure language, a language unintelligible, you are sent, it is towards the house of Israel. "On reflection, the young man came to the conclusion that the will of God is not that hi goes as missionary, but he be a servant to his people. For that we pray for our nation, in my opinion,
there is no other way than to pray. Why not imitate the Koreans who seem to be a little crazy to meet in the morning. It was for them a national affair to revive spiritually this country which was slipping into the darkness without hope and vision. Our band of morning prayer is miserable in numbers. But I believe the prayer that we address to God desperately in the early morning is a pleasant aroma before God. I have this vision that this prayer that we raise will change the French nation, until it becomes a country that sends even the missionaries in Africa and Asia and the Arab world one day.
Secondly, Jerusalem in Psalm refers to the temple, that is to say the church. There stood the temple of Solomon. The Israelites lamented by directing their gaze toward Jerusalem, as they remembered their temple. They lamented the fact that he could no longer go to church and worship God in his presence. I heard that our children learned that we must go to the temple. We all must look forward to coming to church, attend meetings and to suck to hear the divine word. The author of Psalm 84 sings his heart for the temple, saying, especially in verse 11, "Better indeed a day in His courts than a thousand elsewhere, I chose to stand on the threshold of the house of my God, rather than live under the tents of wickedness. "I remember an amusing story that the late Dr. Lee during his lifetime gave training to one of his first disciples – he was raised by his widow mother sadly – to be the guardian of the threshold of the center in Korea, and the latter, renouncing his pride, had to bow to the loins to each person who enters the center. But he was always so happy that everyone got grace, and of course each person had to respond with the greeting of bow and scrape to the loins. He became one of most powerful servants of God in our church.
Thought and attendance at the temple by devotees are the primordial matter of the Christian community and are the elements that enliven the nations. How if the faithful remain in the family cocoon, will God bless the nation? When Hanna went to Shiloh, where there was the temple at the time and prayed for his son to become the spiritual leader of the country, God bent his arm and heard his prayer. 7 / 7, 24/24, our heart must move towards the temple and at least once a day, we must put our feet into the temple, for see how the Israelites lamented their captive situation that prevented them from moving to the temple. Israel believed that outside of Israel, there is no divine presence. So when Jacob went to Padan Aram, the theologians say that even the angels in turn changed, because the angels outside the land of Israel are different than those under the sky of Israel. We believe that God is everywhere. But, in my experience, my prayer in center is a thousand times better and effective than in my cell.
Thirdly, Jerusalem refers to repentance. Now Jerusalem, the holy city called with the resplendent glory at both physical and spiritual, has lost its luster in the past. Its wall was demolished, and the temple also. What misfortune had fallen on them! That is why the people sat down near the river and wept many tears spilling. Their fathers had abandoned their former faith and grace of yesteryear of unchanging God, to embrace the pagan idols of the Canaanites. However, God had promised them that if they liked the social value of the Canaanites and their idols, they would die one day suddenly. But they harden their heart and betrayed the grace, killed the prophets. God led them into captivity in Babylon. And now, sitting near the river, they remembered their wicked life and wept profusely.
Here there was the revival. When, by spreading a lot of tears, they repented, they felt all their sins forgiven and felt that they have become new creations. It was really a new beginning. Really, this violent war in which everything was removed, the houses demolished, women raped, children enslaved, this whole scene had left atrocious scars in them. But when they repented of their sin, I do not know how, all these memorials were covered with white and they felt they become children again with so soft skins. New sun rose.
Repentance is a lowered and contrite heart because of sin. The captives of Israel not only had collapsed on the ground, but sank his head between their knees to express their cry to God. God always blesses the broken and depressed heart because of sin. Through our visit to the temple, through our repentance from our sins and through our prayer for the nation, God poured his abundant blessing on us and our contemporaries.
When Jesus saw the crowds, he had compassion and wanted to feed them, although she came for the miracles. Then he asked the question to Philip, Where shall we buy bread so that this people may eat? The next verse says that Jesus said this to test him. In French it’s to ‘l’éprouver’. Jésus was tested from time to time the disciples during his ministry. Once he was in the northern region of Israel called Philippi and asked this question to his disciples, "What do you think I am? "This is an ontological question: that is to say about his being. But the question he posed to Philip in John 6 is an ethical (deontological) issue, that is to say about doing so: "What to do? "Where do we buy? "At the ministerial planning, the first question was asked in the middle of the ministry, while the second question was posed at the beginning of the ministry. Also understand who someone is taking always time. Jesus first taught the disciples what they should do. It is a kind of civic education on the duties that citizens must comply first without knowing the spirit of their legislators. This goes against our tradition of thought that says we should not impose a duty to someone, before he met Jesus Christ personally.
Thus, Jesus teaches us what we must do as his people, as his disciple, as his chosen, without waiting until we fully understand what purpose such actions have or who is that who decreed them. So here, following the last lesson, we return the problem of obedience. Human reason want to understand everything before they implement an order. Cogito ERGOSUM. But God's people must know how to implement first their duty through obedience. And as they obey, God made it clear, what is his intention to ask.
Jesus said to feed them. Jesus said: Let them sit. There is no explanation from him for all these actions requested. But the disciples obeyed his orders and executed. Then they understood why Jesus gave thie order. Finally, they came to understand who he also is. Halleluah!
Secondly, Jerusalem in Psalm refers to the temple, that is to say the church. There stood the temple of Solomon. The Israelites lamented by directing their gaze toward Jerusalem, as they remembered their temple. They lamented the fact that he could no longer go to church and worship God in his presence. I heard that our children learned that we must go to the temple. We all must look forward to coming to church, attend meetings and to suck to hear the divine word. The author of Psalm 84 sings his heart for the temple, saying, especially in verse 11, "Better indeed a day in His courts than a thousand elsewhere, I chose to stand on the threshold of the house of my God, rather than live under the tents of wickedness. "I remember an amusing story that the late Dr. Lee during his lifetime gave training to one of his first disciples – he was raised by his widow mother sadly – to be the guardian of the threshold of the center in Korea, and the latter, renouncing his pride, had to bow to the loins to each person who enters the center. But he was always so happy that everyone got grace, and of course each person had to respond with the greeting of bow and scrape to the loins. He became one of most powerful servants of God in our church.
Thought and attendance at the temple by devotees are the primordial matter of the Christian community and are the elements that enliven the nations. How if the faithful remain in the family cocoon, will God bless the nation? When Hanna went to Shiloh, where there was the temple at the time and prayed for his son to become the spiritual leader of the country, God bent his arm and heard his prayer. 7 / 7, 24/24, our heart must move towards the temple and at least once a day, we must put our feet into the temple, for see how the Israelites lamented their captive situation that prevented them from moving to the temple. Israel believed that outside of Israel, there is no divine presence. So when Jacob went to Padan Aram, the theologians say that even the angels in turn changed, because the angels outside the land of Israel are different than those under the sky of Israel. We believe that God is everywhere. But, in my experience, my prayer in center is a thousand times better and effective than in my cell.
Thirdly, Jerusalem refers to repentance. Now Jerusalem, the holy city called with the resplendent glory at both physical and spiritual, has lost its luster in the past. Its wall was demolished, and the temple also. What misfortune had fallen on them! That is why the people sat down near the river and wept many tears spilling. Their fathers had abandoned their former faith and grace of yesteryear of unchanging God, to embrace the pagan idols of the Canaanites. However, God had promised them that if they liked the social value of the Canaanites and their idols, they would die one day suddenly. But they harden their heart and betrayed the grace, killed the prophets. God led them into captivity in Babylon. And now, sitting near the river, they remembered their wicked life and wept profusely.
Here there was the revival. When, by spreading a lot of tears, they repented, they felt all their sins forgiven and felt that they have become new creations. It was really a new beginning. Really, this violent war in which everything was removed, the houses demolished, women raped, children enslaved, this whole scene had left atrocious scars in them. But when they repented of their sin, I do not know how, all these memorials were covered with white and they felt they become children again with so soft skins. New sun rose.
Repentance is a lowered and contrite heart because of sin. The captives of Israel not only had collapsed on the ground, but sank his head between their knees to express their cry to God. God always blesses the broken and depressed heart because of sin. Through our visit to the temple, through our repentance from our sins and through our prayer for the nation, God poured his abundant blessing on us and our contemporaries.
When Jesus saw the crowds, he had compassion and wanted to feed them, although she came for the miracles. Then he asked the question to Philip, Where shall we buy bread so that this people may eat? The next verse says that Jesus said this to test him. In French it’s to ‘l’éprouver’. Jésus was tested from time to time the disciples during his ministry. Once he was in the northern region of Israel called Philippi and asked this question to his disciples, "What do you think I am? "This is an ontological question: that is to say about his being. But the question he posed to Philip in John 6 is an ethical (deontological) issue, that is to say about doing so: "What to do? "Where do we buy? "At the ministerial planning, the first question was asked in the middle of the ministry, while the second question was posed at the beginning of the ministry. Also understand who someone is taking always time. Jesus first taught the disciples what they should do. It is a kind of civic education on the duties that citizens must comply first without knowing the spirit of their legislators. This goes against our tradition of thought that says we should not impose a duty to someone, before he met Jesus Christ personally.
Thus, Jesus teaches us what we must do as his people, as his disciple, as his chosen, without waiting until we fully understand what purpose such actions have or who is that who decreed them. So here, following the last lesson, we return the problem of obedience. Human reason want to understand everything before they implement an order. Cogito ERGOSUM. But God's people must know how to implement first their duty through obedience. And as they obey, God made it clear, what is his intention to ask.
Jesus said to feed them. Jesus said: Let them sit. There is no explanation from him for all these actions requested. But the disciples obeyed his orders and executed. Then they understood why Jesus gave thie order. Finally, they came to understand who he also is. Halleluah!
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