Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Acts 3:1-11 (Daily Bread of 28/8/2018)

Verse Key 3  6
Here we see the first healing that the apostles performed. John and Peter were together as a team. The cripple had his own expectation, but God offered him something much more precious.    
1. Waiting for a lame person (1-5)
A lame man was brought to Peter and John. This man was quite well known by all, for he sat before one of the gates of the temple for almsgiving, for a very long time as he was crippled from birth. Surely he had been abandoned by his relatives. Begging was his job and his habit. He couldn't see the end of his fatalistic life. One day, everything changed. The people brought him to be healed by the apostles. However, the cripple had a rather mediocre expectation . He was looking for some material help. Indeed, even though he saw with his two eyes like the others, he was spiritually blind. The apostles asked him to fix his gaze on them.
2. In the name of Jesus of Nazareth, stand up and walk (6-11)

Peter understood the cripple. Peter saw a fundamental need which is of the spiritual order and which concerned his soul. For this, the cripple needed faith. Hence his preliminary request to look at him and Jean. His life was defeatist, but he needed to praise God, his Creator, and thus experience unspeakable joy. Peter admitted that he had no money. He knew that above all he had something in particular. It was the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. What's that name? He is the one who died on the cross, but rose again on the third day, crushing Satan's head. What a dear name for Peter, for all men and for this defeatist man in particular. Peter knew that this precious name has immeasurable power, and was able to deliver any imprisoned soul. When they had a clear conviction about the power of this name, the disciples were able to deliver a soul  from the incurable disease. Thank you for that powerful name that saves us!

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