Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Luke 5:1-12 (Daily Bread of 29/5/2018)


Key verse 5: 10

Youth is the most important time for one's lifetime.  Often when we make bad commitments in our youth, this leads to an unfortunate outcome.  There is nothing more precious than the path according to the call.  Today, Jesus calls some disciples near the lake. 
1.  Advance into deep water and throw your nets.  (1-5)

The crowd rushed to the lake to hear the good news of the Kingdom of God.  Jesus taught them the word at length.  There are many things to enjoy in the world.  However, there is nothing more valiant than the kingdom of God. Jesus even once said that violence should be used to gain this country.  Given the enthusiasm of the crowd Jesus invested much time to teach them.  Yet Jesus had his goal clearly in his head: to raise up disciples.  Therefore, he quickly took Peter's boat and he built a relationship with him through his fishery though it seemed trivial, material and down to earth.  Jesus told Peter to go further into deep water.  Of course this is a necessary gesture when fishing, but it is also comparable to obeying the Word, and by obeying, we can always move forward.  Moreover just as they had a miraculous catch, there is also  abundant grace that can be experienced through obedience by faith.

2.  You will be a fisher of men (6-11)

Peter's eyes opened when he saw the impossibly large quantity of fish that appeared in spite of the situation.  First, he saw his spiritual condition  was an unforgivable sinner.  However, Jesus reassured him and said, "Fear not."  Then Jesus called him to follow him.  Jesus sent him on a mission to evangelize those who were dying because of sin.  The world of sin is truly like a pond of death.  Jesus sent Peter and his fellows to save these men from this lake of sin and death.  When Peter and his friends obeyed, all their fear departed from them.  They left their nets and followed Jesus.  Young people who follow God's call are like God's heralds.  Their act of faith will be blessed.

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