Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Ephesians 3 :8-13 (Daily Bread of 2/1/2018)

Key verse 3:8
Here Paul speaks about his identity and his mission. In this way he reveals how much he is a man of God worthy of his title. Let's learn about his attitude sp that that we will be able to do the mission that we have been given.
1. The least amongst the saints (8-11)  
Paul considers himself as being the least amongst the apostles. Once he confessed that by God's grace "I am what I am". In spite of his vast knowledge and his great theology, he was humble as was Moses in the Old Testament. The more humility that is involved the more one's divine mission will excell by he who carried it out. Through Paul's preaching many souls were able to get to know Jesus's unfathomable riches. Paul's mission is twofold : first of all he has to reveal God's mystery to the World in order to build a Church and then to manifest God's wisdom in the spiritual World in the Heavens through the Church members' faith.
2. They are your glory  (12-13)
We have faith in him and this faith makes us free to come before God. When we were living in sin we were unable to come before Him as we feared His jugement. However, now that we have faith in Jesus's blood which was abundantly and freely shed for our sins, we can boldly enter into God's presence. Paul encourages the Ephesians to not become discouraged because of their tribulations. Once Paul said that his flesh suffered for those who did not take part in the suffering lf Christ's body ; the Church (Col 1 :25). These tribulations are thus a necessity of beneficial value for the Church.  Even though they were, from a human's perspective, little glorious and full of shame, to Paul they were a source of exceedingly great joy. From now on the Ephesians would no longer have any fear but they boast and glorify God's name before their neighbours. It's a really big privilege to have such a great man of God who is ready to die for Christ.

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