Friday, October 13, 2017

Jonas 3 : 1-10 (Daily Bread of 10/10/17)


Jonas 3 : 1-10

Key verse 3 :2

God gave Jonas a second chance to accomplish his mission which entailed telling the inhabitants of Ninive to repent. By denying himself,  Jonas' message bore a lot of fruits.

1. Go there and spread the Word (1-6)

Ninive was the capital of the enemy's country. How can one love the inhabitants of Ninive ? However, that was the condition of God's heart towards them. After his repentance, Jonas was saved from the fish's stomach and he was convicted that God forgave him. Moved by God's grace, Jonas obeyed God's ordered and He took off joyfully. During one day Jonas preached the message of repentance. His message was very powerful. The result was remarkable because the inhabitants of Ninive, who were idolaters, abandonned their idols and started believing in God. It was not a simple matter of wanting to believe in Him but it was a national call for repentance. All of the citizens covered themselves with sackcloth as this act was symbolic for penitence. This information even reached the King who swapped his royal garments for sackcloth .

2. Who knows if God might… (7-10)

The King then made a decree calling for a national day of fasting. Therefore all of the inhabitants of Ninive and even the animals neither ate nor drank anything in order to express their profond penitence. All of creation suffers because of man's sins. That's the Apostle Paul's theology. The animals in Assyria were suffering as a result of their owners sins. They repented as well by covering themselves in sackcloth and by shouting towards God. However, only man is reponsible for changing his ways before God. Every man, animals not included as they are without sin, came back to God and turned away from his sinful ways. The decree is verse 9 seems a bit weird. However, it clearly shows at what point the Assyrians were desperate for God's help. « Who knows if God might… »This is the desperate cry of a hopeless man standing who is awaiting God's judgement.  God saw their sincere repentance and He changed his mind. He decided to no longer judge the city. Therefore, we see how God blesses the penitent heart and the fruits of repentance that it bears.

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