Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Amos 1 : 1-15 (Daily Bread of 26/9/2017)



Amos, shepherd of Juda, called himself a worker and He went to Israel as a prophet. He has a very background and he is a very courageous servant of God to Bethel who preached against Israel 's idolatry of the golden cow. He gave his life for this mission. Surely he will return home afterwards. He uses a lot of popular sayings and field derived imagery. In the days of King Ozais in Juda and Jeroboam II in Israel, bothering countries had a very great prosperity. However, they gave themselves over to corruption especially the Israelites who adored the golden cow believing it to be the only true service for God. God gathered quite a bit of hate in His head due to this. The Book of Amos comprises 9 chapters that can be divided into three parts : Introduction (1-3), Israel's accusation by its neighbours (3-6), Visions of ruins and of the reconstruction of the Kingdom (7-9)

God roars from within Zion

Key verse 1 : 2

In the first two chapters, Amos writes about God's judgement on the countries surrounding Israel. After that he goes on to talking about the judgement that will fall upon Israel. God, He who judges these nations, ressembles a roaring lion. The result of his roars on the Earth is the country's complete and total devastation.

1. God's judgement on the Syrians, the Philistines and the Phenecians.    

They are just the neighbouring countries around Israel. Amongst the three parent countries (Edom, Amon and Moab) the Chapter deals with Edom and Amon at the end. Amos writes in this way in order to highlight the universiality of God's power and the fact that God's justice applies to all without any consideration based on someone's title. This jugement will first fall on the Syrians. The first verse of each sentence « 3-4 » refers to the fact that they keep on sinning and becoming more and more wicked. Syria mercilessly crushed Israel like a harrow ploughs the ground. Other meanings of the name of Damas are House of nothing and House of pleasure. Qir is where Georgia is nowadays. The Philistines comes thereafter and this group of people is based on the coming together of fire different peoples. The first one of which is Gaza. They were were responsible for carrying out a number of conquests on Juda and Israel which ended in the captivity of many Jets. These Jews were later sold to the Edomites and the Arabs. Then comes the Phenecians whose main city was Tyr and who sold the enslaved Jews into captivity under the Edomites.

2. Edom and Ammon (9-21)

The Edomites are Esau's descendants and so they are one of Israel's close relatives. However, history shows that they were one of the most persistent hostile countries towards the Israelites. God will judge them like one who is very irrated. The Ammonites are descendants of Loth so they are also one of Israel's relatives. The capital city of Ammon is Rabba (12). In order to decimate this people, there needs to be a war with a lot of violence and blood-shed. This event is similar to the hurricane Maria that passed through the Caribbean Islands this year (2017). At the end of this war, the King and his shall all be deported. This judgement will be carried out by the Assyrian Kings who will subjugate all of the islands in West Asia. Nowadays only the ruins of Rabba remain and they are called Amman. This is the abbreviation of Rabbath-Ammon (Dt 3v11).

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