Friday July 7th 2017
key verse: 8
David cries out to God and God listens to him. The unjust will be punished by God because of their wickedness, but the righteous continually are strengthened.
1. I call to you (1-7)
This part reveales what is David's attitude of prayer. God remains silent sometimes. David fears that God departs from him (1b). David is afraid of being treated by God like the wicked. The wicked are hypocritical because in spite of their appearance they are full of malice in their heart. David's imprecation isn't caused by revenge but by his desire to see God's justice reign on their earth full of malice. But David knows that their ignominy is because they don't recognize God's sovereign hand which works in the world. This hand reverses all the wickedness of the world. Whom shall I fear ? says David. He has many enemies. But David's prayers finally receive God's answer. The Eternal God is his strength. His groan turns into a song of joy.
2. Save your people (8-9)
Several times, David finishes his prayer with a divine blessing. He doesn't experience only for himself that the Eternal God is his strength, but he fully wishes that God be the strength of his people (8). He prays that God saves his people, blesses them like his heritage, and be their shepherd and support forever (9).
Prayer: Lord, help me to not doubt in spite of your silence and continually trust you. I pray that you bless your people as their shepherd and that you always support them.
A word: pray to the Eternal God because he will listen to you

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