Friday, April 28, 2017

Leviticus 23:1-44 (DB of 28/4/2017)

Friday April 28th 2017

key verse: 41


Today we learn what are God's feasts to Israel. These feasts are commemoratives so they first require mercy. 

1. Easter, 1st month, 15th day, holy convocation (1-22)
We work during 6 days, but the 7th is the Sabbath, the day of the holy convocation. Its sense is to commemorate God's creation. Apart from that, there are annual solemnities based on Israel's history. First,_ Easter is the feast which commemorates the Exodus. There is also the harvest_ feast when we dedicate a wreath and a lamb one year old as a  burnt offering. After 7 weeks we bring the premise with 7flawless lambs each one year old as burnt offerings. It's the Pentecost, as in the Christian's calendar. We leave a corner of the field for the indigents.

2. The Huts feast, 7th month, 15th day, holy convocation (23-44)
It's the feast of the Jewish new year, which begins with the launch of the clamor. The tenth day is the day of the atonement. The heart must be humbled as a solemn condition (28, 29, 32). It's a very happy feast after the harvest (40b). During each defined time we bring burnt offerings, offerings, sacrifices and libation (37). During seven days, we live under huts, remembering how God fed and made the ancestors live in the desert without missing anything. At this feast, Jesus went to Jerusalem to invite the pilgrims to experience the rivers of water which flow from their heart. If we humble ourselves, the Holy Spirit fills the heart.

Prayer: Lord, make me feast your sabbaths with joy and dignity of heart, Above all humble me so that I remember enough the mercy of your salvation and your forgiveness.

Bottom line: Remember, to celebrate the Eternal God

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