Monday, March 6, 2017

Jeremiah 37:1-21

Monday March 6th, 2017


key verse: 18

The today's word speaks about the imprisonment of Jeremiah. In jail he is afraid and he continually preaches the truth.
1. Pray for us (1-10)
Zedekiah sends his servant to Jeremiah to ask for his prayer in their favour. But the Bible says that in this time none listen God's words pronounced by Jeremiah (2). So, this demand is outmoded. A lot of people ask for the favor of God, though not obeying his words. Opportunely, the army of Babylon withdraws as the army of Egyptians approached, which gives an illusion of victory. But Jeremiah says that it will not happen like that. The Chaldeans will come back and their power is as a phoenix: formidable, not perishable (10).

2. What is my sin ? (11-21)
Jeremiah goes out from Jerusalem to see Benjamin to obtain food. He is put in jail by error. The king wants to secretely ask Jeremiah. But Jeremiah isn't nervous or bent, he says only the truth. The king will be taken into captivity in Babylon. Jeremiah defends his innocence saying "what is my sin against you ?". Jeremiah pronounces only the truth. But the enemies attack him and he is put in jail. Jeremiah begs the king to not put him again in jail, because he is also himself a man full of weakness. The king listens because of his conscience.
Prayer: Lord, help me to live an honest life when I pray to you. Jeremiah lives to testify to the truth in spite of his fear. Make Jeremiah an example.
Bottom line: what is my sin ?

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