Wednesday, December 7, 2016


John 17:20-26
The third subject of the Jesus' prayers is to those who don't know God yet. What are the subjects of prayer which can be our subjects of prayer for our future holy nation ?
1. That they may all be one (20-24)
Jesus prayed that his disciples would be one and protected from the evil one. Jesus keeps this subject of being one between people who believe in him. To be one means love one another, as the same refrain which Jesus says "so that the world may know..." (23b). Unity leads us to know true love (23). In effect, there isn't greater and more excellent testimony toward the world than to be united among the Christians. Jesus gives his glory to people for that, that is to say that we are objects of God's glory and our life will be glorified by Jesus. Jesus prays to God that his people, his disciples and future disciples, would share his divine glory during his advent. What marvelous hope and privilege to eternally be seated near Jesus and reign with him !
2. I made you known to them (25-26)
Jesus confirms his mission in these two final verses. Jesus manifests the name of God among the people. The fallen world didn't know God, and Jesus came to make the world know this name. Jesus made it known to his disciples. Jesus will make it known to his future disciples. So they will have eternal life and love will be plentiful in their heart. In A, the word "glory"(5 times), in B "world" (12 times) and in C "one" (5 times) are the more frequent words, which reveals the content of Jesus' prayer.
Prayer: may the Lord be glorified, the current elected protected from the evil one, and the future people be united.
Bottom line: that France would be a kingdom of high priests and a holy nation

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