Wednesday, July 6, 2016


Philippians 2:19-30

The apostle Paul introduces two hidden servants and tells us to honor such men.

  1. I have no one like Timothy (19-23)

The aposlte Paul met Timothy in Derbe and he won his favor. The apostle Paul was in trouble ; he had to send someone to Philippi to explain his situation, and it was necessary for this person to transfer the Philippians' news to the apostle Paul. There was only Timothy for these missions. At that moment, everyone sought his own interest and not those of Jesus Christ (21). But Timothy had proven himself and he was special. He was like a son with a father, and he dedicated himself to serving the gospel. He was like one of the secular shepherds among us who work hard, though their work is hidden.

  1. Honor such men (24-30)

Epaphroditus was the one who brought gifts from the church in Phillipi to the apostle Paul. He was near to death after having suffered for the Lord. But God pitied him and saved him. Now, Paul has sent him back to Philippi and exhorts the Philippians with all his heart, saying « Honor such men ». These men didn't have high status, but they had the heart of Christ. Do you honor such men ?

Prayer : Lord, let me prove myself for the gospel like Timothy did ! Lord, grant me a sacrificial spirit like Epaphroditus. Give me faith so that I would have the heart of Christ and honor such men.

Bottom line : Epaphroditus was found faithful

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