Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Samuel Lee's DB (1971)

Daily Bread Tuesday 01 dйcembre 2015


Luke 1: 57-66
The main sens of today's text is the fact that parents have named both their child by nome of John.

1) Zechariah wrote the name of his son on a tablet
The term of pregnancy of Elizabeth came, she gave birth to a son, and all the neighbors and parents saw manifested the grace and love of God and rejoiced. At 8th day they were to circumcise the child, they wanted to give him the name of his father, but both parents insisted that the child was to be named John, as the angel had told them (1: 13). Jean's parents knew that even if he were their own child, he was to be named John in the will of God.

2) The hand of the Lord was with him (24-66)
From the very moment Zechariah wrote on the tablet name John, his mouth opened and his tongue loosed. As soon as this news was heard, they took to heart this fact and said "that will this child be? ". The author Luc doctor explained this supernatural fact by saying that the Lord's hand, that is to say the power of the Lord was with him. When everyone believes that the hand of God is with him, he can receive, accept the Gospel.

Prayer: Lord, make sure that there are many parents in France who accept that their children are God's children. Make us accept that the hand of the Lord is with us

One word: my children are the children of God

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